Teller Report

Unclear future for Varan-tv's comeback: SVT owns the rights

10/12/2020, 12:53:24 PM

The humor group behind Varan-tv raised over five million kronor via crowdfunding to make a new season of the 90s program. But the group does not own the brand, SVT does. Therefore, it is uncertain whether future projects will be able to be called Varan-tv, and contain the same characters.

Varanteatern collected over five million kronor from its old fans to make more Varan TV.

But whether it will be possible to do so under that particular name is unclear.

According to Petter Bragée, program manager at SVT Malmö, who was director & producer of Varan-tv in the 90s, SVT owns the name Varan-tv, but the members of Varanteatern have been given permission to use it for the fundraising campaign.

- We have given them permission to make the kickstarter with the brand Varan-tv.

That's really the only thing that has happened, then they come to us and tell us how they want to move on.

The future is unclear

The group has a meeting booked with SVT next week. 

Magnus Thomson, one of the authors behind Varan-tv, says that it is still not decided how to proceed:

Would it be a problem if you recorded a TV series without SVT's permission?

- If we were to be called something other than Varan-tv, it would not be, but the name Varan-tv is what SVT has the rights to.

So it is clear that we need to have a dialogue with SVT about the future.