Teller Report

The new anti-Covid rules: clubs closed at 24, stop to contact amateur sports and school trips

10/12/2020, 9:58:56 PM

The gyms will remain open. Weddings and indoor parties with a maximum of 30 participants. The recommendation: no more than six non-cohabitants and masks at home. Conte: there will be no new generalized lockdown

  • Quarantine and swabs, the details in the circular of Minister Speranza

  • Coronavirus, Arcuri: "There are no conditions for a new lockdown"

  • Deniers and no masks in the streets of Rome: "No to the health dictatorship"


12 October 2020

Feverish hours of consultations in view of the new Decree of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (Dpcm) with the further measures to combat the coronavirus pandemic. According to government sources, the Regions met for an opinion on the proposal drawn up in the meeting of the heads of delegation at Palazzo Chigi. Then Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte could pass the decree, perhaps already in the night or at the latest in the morning. 


Stop to amateur contact sports, open gyms

The new decree on Covid will ban contact sport at an amateur level but the gyms will remain open. Government sources specify this.

School trips suspended. Weddings and indoor parties with 30 participants

Educational trips and school trips will be suspended.

Parties will be allowed indoors only if connected to civil and religious ceremonies with a maximum of 30 participants. 

Recommendation: no more than six non-cohabitants at home and with masks 

Not only avoid parties: at home the decree will recommend not receiving more than six non-cohabiting people, be they friends or relatives, and to wear a mask with external guests.

This is what government sources explain, in view of the new government measures. 

Places closed at 24, from 11

pm you can only eat


"The clubs, restaurants, pastry shops and bars, will close at 24 and from 11 you can only eat at the tables. Not standing in front of the room".

This is what the government has decided, according to what is learned from sources in Palazzo Chigi. 

Yes to canteens, catering, take-away and home delivery

Yes to canteens and catering, home delivery and take-away.

The draft of the new anti-Covid decree provides for this.

"The activities of the canteens and continuous catering on a contractual basis continue to be allowed, which guarantee the interpersonal safety distance of at least one meter, within the limits and under the conditions set out in the first period - it reads - Catering with delivery is also allowed. at home in compliance with the hygienic-sanitary regulations for both packaging and transport activities, as well as catering with take-away, with a ban on consumption on the spot or in the vicinity after 9 pm and without prejudice to the obligation to respect the distance of interpersonal safety of at least one meter ".

No distance learning for high schools

Distance learning is not provided for by the Dpcm on which the government is working, not even for high schools.

This is what the sources explain.

Some Regions had put forward the proposal to return to dad for high school.

Limited access of relatives in the Rsa

"The access of relatives and visitors to hospitality and long-term hospitalization facilities, assisted healthcare residences (Rsa), hospices, rehabilitation facilities and residential facilities for the elderly, self-sufficient and not, is limited only to cases indicated by the health management of the facility, which is required to take the necessary measures to prevent possible transmission of infection ".

The draft of the decree provides for it.

Theater, cinema and concerts;

maximum 1,000 people outdoors, 200 indoors

"The shows open to the public in theatrical halls, concert halls, cinemas and other spaces, including outdoors, are held with pre-assigned and spaced seats and provided that the respect for the interpersonal distance of at least one meter for both staff and spectators who are not usually cohabiting, with the maximum number of 1,000 spectators for outdoor shows and 200 spectators for indoor shows, for each single room. Events that involve gatherings in closed spaces or outdoors remain suspended when it is not possible to ensure compliance with the conditions referred to in this letter. The regions and autonomous provinces, in relation to the progress of the epidemiological situation in their territories, may establish , in agreement with the Minister of Health, a different maximum number of spectators in consideration of the size and c

characteristics of the places ", reads the draft.

Sports, in stadiums and arenas maximum 15% capacity 

"For events and sporting competitions of individual and team sports recognized by the Italian National Olympic Committee (Coni), the Italian Paralympic Committee (Cip) and their respective federations, or organized by organizations international sports, the presence of the public is allowed, with a maximum filling percentage of 15% of the total capacity and in any case no more than the maximum number of .1000 spectators for outdoor sports events and 200 spectators for indoor sports events , exclusively in sports facilities where it is possible to ensure the reservation and prior assignment of the seat, with adequate volumes and air changes, provided that the interpersonal distance of at least one meter both frontally and sideways is in any case ensured ".

This is what is still read in the draft decree drawn up after the comparison with the Regions.

Conte: there will be no new general lockdown

"I would exclude a new


. We say it with good reason", says Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte in Taranto, after a meeting in the Prefecture and immediately refers to today's important commitments: the control room with the regions, municipalities and provinces in view of the new Dpcm with the new anti-contagion measures from Covid which could be fired in the late evening today or by tomorrow.

"We have worked precisely to prevent a new generalized lockdown. In the meantime - underlines the Prime Minister - we have strengthened the hospital structures, the response of the health system. We are very far ahead, we are carrying out an impressive number of tests. Indeed, with the latest circular of the Ministry of Health we will also be able to reduce the


from the initial 14 days. We also have the possibility of introducing new tests, even faster ".

"In short, we have adopted a series of measures and we have a

very sophisticated



. If this curve were to continue to rise - anticipates Conte - I foresee some so-called lockdown that is very limited territorially. But we are no longer in a position to intervene in a generalized manner on the national territory or over large areas of the territory ".

And as regards the new anti-contagion measures to be presented to the Italians, "we will try to dismiss the

Dpcm as

early as this evening", said the Prime Minister, also in Taranto. 

Hope: "Norms approved by CTS in a circular"

The new prescriptions on the isolation of positive Covid and their families decided yesterday by the Technical Scientific Committee will be included in a forthcoming circular.

Health Minister Roberto Speranza confirmed this in the meeting with the Regions on the new containment measures.

In the implementing decree there will also be the Authorization to use the tests validated by the health authorities in the G7 countries.

What emerges at the moment is that the quarantine drops to 10 days and for the positives only one


will be needed

at the exit.