Teller Report

The expected weather in the country in the coming days

10/12/2020, 9:58:44 PM

The National Center of Meteorology expects that during the coming days the country will witness healthy to partly cloudy weather, with the opportunity to create cumulus clouds in some areas that may be accompanied by rain. The center stated in a statement on the weather during the next five days that the weather will be "Tuesday" clear to cloudy

The expected weather in the country in the coming days

The National Center of Meteorology expects that the country will witness in the coming days healthy to partly cloudy weather, with the chance of cumulonimbus clouds in some areas that may be accompanied by rain.

The center said in a statement on the weather during the next five days that the weather will be "Tuesday" clear to partly cloudy in separate areas with the opportunity to be cumulus clouds over some northern and eastern regions and on the sea that may be accompanied by rain, and the winds: south-easterly to north-easterly light To moderate speed, activating sometimes, causing dust and dust, and the sea: medium waves may sometimes be disturbed in the Arabian Gulf, and light to medium waves in the Sea of ​​Oman.

On "Wednesday" the weather will be partly cloudy over separate areas with the opportunity to have some cumulus clouds, especially to the west and rain, and the winds: southeasterly to northeasterly, light to moderate in speed, sometimes active, sometimes active, causing dust and dust, and the sea: medium waves may be disturbed sometimes In the Arabian Gulf, light to medium waves in the Sea of ​​Oman

As for the "Thursday" weather, it will be clear to partly cloudy at times, and clouds will appear in some western regions in the afternoon, and the winds are: southeasterly to northeasterly, light to moderate, active at times during the day, and the sea: light to medium waves in the Arabian Gulf and in the Sea of ​​Oman.

On Friday, the weather remains clear to partially cloudy sometimes, and clouds appear in some western and eastern regions in the afternoon, and the winds are: southeasterly to northeasterly, light to moderate, active at times during the day, and the sea: light to medium waves in the Arabian Gulf and in the Sea of ​​Oman.

And witnesses on "Saturday" weather is clear to partly cloudy in separate areas, and clouds appear to the west, which may be cumulus far west, and the winds: southeasterly to northeasterly, light to moderate, active at times during the day, and the sea: light to medium waves in the Arabian Gulf and in the Sea of ​​Oman .

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