Teller Report

Manifestations of Power Show!

10/12/2020, 10:06:44 PM

The manifestations of the display of strength in some real estate companies do not stop at the writing of contracts, and include dozens of clauses that guarantee their rights only, without placing any obligations on them, but continue to deal with the same logic of power with customers and buyers, even after handing over real estate units, and the most prominent features of these

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Manifestations of Power Show!

Sami Al Riyami


October 13, 2020

The manifestations of the display of power in some real estate companies do not stop at the writing of contracts, and include dozens of clauses that guarantee their rights only, without placing any obligations on them, but continue to deal with the same logic of power with customers and buyers, even after handing them real estate units, and the most prominent features of this policy is control. In the price of service fees, and increasing them continuously, until they reached very high numbers in some projects, eating and even eliminating the profit margin of any investor, and making those who bought for the purpose of housing more like someone who rents the unit and does not own it!

It is really strange what some real estate companies do, as they are not satisfied with selling residential units, and achieving high profits from selling, but rather they want to achieve a high profit on an annual basis continuously from the same projects even after they are sold, and for this they use many methods and shapes, and this is definitely an unacceptable logic, especially since Some of these methods restrict the ownership of the owner of the housing unit in a clear and sometimes provocative manner!

One of the owners sent an email explaining one of these methods of making money in strange ways, which is followed by a famous real estate company, which is by the way one of the most famous companies that use the logic of force in dealing with buyers and customers, as this person lives in a residential villa with a high-end and expensive project, and it is located at the bottom The villa is a completely roofed area connected to the house, and it is originally intended for an outdoor session, and all he did is add glass from the three sides so that he can use the session at all times, especially during the summer period, he did not add a structure to the building, and did not change the facade and shape of the building, and did not do any An act that is forbidden or in violation of the municipality’s laws, all there is in it is the optimal use of an existing space.

Contact the company as a routine procedure to take a no-objection, and this procedure will not cost the company only one paper, but he was shocked when he learned that the company, and in order to agree to this procedure for his house, which he bought with his money, and it is assumed that it belongs to him, I requested an amount of 120 thousand dirhams as a price for not The objection, and this amount exceeds all the costs of coverage, and is never parallel to the service that the company will provide, as it basically will not provide him with anything, and will not lose anything, but it is only a feeling of strength and a desire to maximize annual profits, so is that reasonable ?!

Certainly we are with the organization, and certainly no one will accept that the issue of modifications of the facades of the houses will be left vulnerable to the tampering of the residents, and everyone adjusts them according to his mood and taste, such a matter is completely unacceptable, but no one also accepts the exploitation of the accepted need of the people in the internal amendment that is not harmful or affecting the situation The building and its shape, so the letter of no objection necessarily means that the intended action by the owner is acceptable to the company and does not violate its laws, so obliging people to pay fictional sums for these modifications that they deem necessary in their homes, is a procedure that can only be explained in the category of exploiting people's need and trying to achieve High profits at the expense of their comfort!

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