Teller Report

Director of the Health Organization: Herd immunity against Corona is an immoral and wrong idea

10/12/2020, 8:27:47 PM

The Director of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, announced today, Monday in Geneva, that the idea of ​​letting the disease "Covid-19" spread among the population until the formation of immunity in a sufficient number of people is a recipe for the emergence of "unnecessary infections, suffering and death." Countries issued a letter m

Director of the Health Organization: Herd immunity against Corona is an immoral and wrong idea

The Director of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, announced today, Monday, in Geneva that the idea of ​​letting the disease "Covid-19" spread among the population until the formation of immunity in a sufficient number of people is a recipe for the emergence of "unnecessary infections, suffering and death."

Health scientists from several countries issued an open letter in early October that included promoting the idea of ​​herd immunity as a way to avoid closures and the negative effects it entails.

Tedros indicated that herd immunity is perceived through vaccination, not by exposing people to the virus.

The director of the World Health Organization added that «allowing a dangerous virus that we do not understand much about, to roam freely, is unethical.

It is not an option. ”

Tedros said that it is still not known how long people will have immunity to the emerging corona virus, which causes Covid-19 disease, after they have been infected.

In the open letter to the scientists, it was stated that effective prevention must be provided for the elderly who are more vulnerable to infection, while those who are younger and who are less likely to become seriously ill should be allowed to live their lives normally.

But Tedros refuted this, saying that people of all ages had died from "Covid-19" disease, and that some survivors continued to suffer from symptoms for a long time.

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