Teller Report

Alarm about shooting in Rågsved - man injured

10/12/2020, 11:49:09 PM

The police have been alerted to Rågsved in Stockholm after a suspected shooting. A man has been found injured outdoors and has been taken by ambulance to hospital.

At 22.45, several calls were received by the police from people who heard loud bangs.

- We found a man outside who was injured.

He has what we fear is gunshot wounds to the back, but it has not been established.

He was awake and talkative when he was taken to hospital, says Carina Skagerlind, press spokesperson for the police in the Stockholm region.

One or more perpetrators have been seen leaving the site, which has now been cordoned off for technical investigation.

No one is arrested.

- We have a great effort on site and talk to witnesses and have a dog that is looking for clues, says Carina Skagerlind.

A preliminary investigation into attempted murder has begun.