Teller Report

"Hemaya" deals with men who have been subjected to abuse and beating by their wives

10/12/2020, 10:05:47 PM

The Protection Foundation for Women and Children in Ajman, "Hemaya", has dealt with 270 family cases and cases, since its inception in 2017, 85% of which have been resolved in amicable ways away from police stations and court rooms, in order to preserve the family’s existence and strengthen family cohesion. The percentage of marital disputes has reached 35%. Cases that c

It received 95 family cases this year

"Hemaya" deals with men who have been subjected to abuse and beating by their wives

The Protection Foundation for Women and Children in Ajman, "Hemaya", has dealt with 270 family cases and cases, since its inception in 2017, 85% of which have been resolved in amicable ways away from police stations and court rooms, in order to preserve the family’s existence and strengthen family cohesion. The percentage of marital disputes has reached 35%. Cases related to children 30%, and others focused on cases that were referred to the judiciary and the police, including cases of husbands who were subjected to violence and beatings by their wives.

The Foundation stated that it received 95 family cases during the current year, the majority of which focused on domestic violence, marital disputes and harassment.

In detail, Sheikha Azza bint Rashid Al Nuaimi, President of the Foundation, told "Emirates Today" that the Foundation has dealt during the past three years with 270 family cases that varied between physical and verbal violence, abuse, sexual harassment, assault, abuse, and a lack of identity papers. Approximately 85% have been resolved. It is necessary to protect and accommodate the most affected by it, with the aim of ensuring that the family lives in stability, away from the disputes that lead to a rift in the family relationship, and the relentless pursuit of resolving family disputes before they reach the courts.

She stated that the cases of domestic violence were the most among the 95 cases that the Foundation dealt with during the period of the Corona crisis during the current year, including a wife who prevented her husband from seeing their child after their separation, despite the court’s decision to see him. See his child.

It referred to a case of a child being harassed, and it was resolved amicably, the case of a woman whose husband evicted her from the house because of her coming from her country without informing him, the case of a woman who emotionally exploits her friends to earn money, and other cases of husbands who were subjected to abuse and beatings by their wives, children who were beaten by their mothers' husbands, and torture By their guardians.

Lack of awareness

Sheikha Azza bint Rashid Al-Nuaimi, head of the Hemaya Foundation, stated that most of the cases that have been dealt with are about beating children, burning or causing a disability, always as a result of marital disputes or neglect and the high rates of divorce between spouses, in addition to the collapse of the value system and the absence of awareness And the educational role of the family and society, and one of the spouses adopting the child as a weapon against the other party, whereby one side harms the child in spite of the other side, and the child is subjected to torture, whether by beating or ironing with fire or sexual harassment.

She emphasized that the Foundation seeks to spread a culture of understanding, tolerance, dialogue and partnership at the level of the family and society, raising awareness to reduce violence, strengthening dialogue between individuals, and intervening to ensure protection, justice and dignity for women and children victims of violence.


A family case that Hemaya has received since its inception in 2017.

The majority of the problems centered on the physical and verbal violence and sexual harassment.

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