Teller Report

The Russian national football team will play the away match of the League of Nations with Turkey in Istanbul

10/10/2020, 6:42:51 PM

The head coach of the Turkish national football team, Shenol Gunesh, said that the return match of the group stage of the League of Nations with the national team of Russia will be held in Istanbul.

“We will play at the Galatasaray Stadium in Istanbul.

Due to the pandemic, it is difficult to move around, we also put ourselves at risk.

It's sad to play without fans, so we will play in Istanbul so as not to move around again.

In the future, we plan to play in other cities, because we need to meet with all the fans, ”Gunesh TASS quotes.

The Galatasaray Stadium has a capacity of 55 thousand fans.

The Russian national team has never played against the Turkish national team in Istanbul before.

Match of the fifth round of the group stage of the League of Nations Turkey - Russia is scheduled for November 11.

Earlier it was reported that Gunesh called the Russian national team the favorite of the group in the League of Nations.

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