Teller Report

Bin Arafa is infected with Coronavirus, but it is not contagious

10/10/2020, 12:48:57 PM

French football club Bordeaux announced on Saturday that its new player, Hatem Bin Arafa, who signed with him four days ago with a free transfer after the end of his six-month contract with Valladolid, Spain, is infected with the new Corona virus, but it is not contagious because what appeared in the examination he underwent is "remnants." Virus. He said

Bin Arafa is infected with Coronavirus, but it is not contagious

French football club Bordeaux announced on Saturday that its new player, Hatem Bin Arafa, who signed with him four days ago with a free transfer after the end of his six-month contract with Valladolid, Spain, is infected with the new Corona virus, but it is not contagious because what appeared in the examination he underwent is "remnants." Virus.

"What has been discovered is a residue. He is not infectious and he can go through the exercises normally without any risk to his colleagues and the crew," Purdue said in a statement.

On Wednesday, the 33-year-old underwent a routine medical examination before moving to his sixth club in France, in addition to a "Covid-19" examination, according to the preventive health protocol.

The result appeared Thursday morning before the start of his first training session with Bordeaux, but that did not prevent him from training with his new colleagues and to be presented afterwards to the media, since what was discovered was the remnants of the virus that he contracted this summer.

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