Teller Report

The seventh national census will start to fill in

10/9/2020, 8:12:33 PM

  The Seventh National Population Census will start tomorrow   The survey will be conducted from October 11th to October 31st, and the official registration stage of the census will be entered from November 1st to December 10th.   Beijing News (Reporter Jiang Huizi) On October 9, the Office of the Leading Group for the Seventh National Census of the State Council issued an announcement that my c

  The Seventh National Population Census will start tomorrow

  The survey will be conducted from October 11th to October 31st, and the official registration stage of the census will be entered from November 1st to December 10th.

  Beijing News (Reporter Jiang Huizi) On October 9, the Office of the Leading Group for the Seventh National Census of the State Council issued an announcement that my country’s seventh national census will be at midnight on November 1, 2020. The work will be carried out from October 11th to December 10th.

  The announcement made it clear that the subjects of the seventh national census are natural persons who are within the territory of the People’s Republic of China at the standard time of the census and Chinese citizens who are outside the People’s Republic of China but have not settled down, excluding foreign persons who stay in the territory of the People’s Republic of China for a short time. .

  The contents of the census include name, citizenship number, gender, age, ethnicity, education level, industry, occupation, migration, marriage, birth, death, housing situation, etc.

  For this census, the government census agency will send enumerators to the households to register, or the households will fill in the short census form by themselves.

Enumerators and census instructors shall present their work certificates issued uniformly by the census agencies of the people's governments at or above the county level when registering in their households.

  The announcement made it clear that citizens have the obligation to cooperate with the census and truthfully provide the information required for the census.

At the same time, census agencies and their staff at all levels must strictly keep confidential the personal information of census subjects.

  ■ Follow

  What does the census object need to do?

  According to reports, there are two steps in the census that require enumerators to work in their households, namely surveying and registration.

The survey will be conducted from October 11 to October 31. Census officers will conduct field surveys door by door, find out the number and specific location of houses in each area, and enter the households to conduct a census and inform, ask about registration methods, and understand the households. The general situation of the personnel inside.

  From November 1st to December 10th, we will enter the formal registration stage of the census. The enumerator will enter each household to register the census information item by person. During this period, 10% of the households will be randomly selected to fill in the census long form to investigate the more detailed population. Structure information.

The census instructor and the enumerator will carry out their work with uniform certificates. When the enumerator comes to the door, the household can first verify the identity of the enumerator, and then ask the enumerator to enter the home to register.

  How do the subjects of the census report independently?

  This census will be conducted in two forms: household registration or self-reporting by households. This is the first time that census subjects self-reported. At present, a self-reporting procedure has been developed, and census subjects can use mobile terminals to scan the QR code to report personal and family information by themselves. If households need to fill in the report independently, they can explain to the enumerator when the enumerator visits to find out the details. The enumerator is requested to provide the account number for self-filling, and report the information on time and truthfully according to the filling requirements. Households who choose to fill in by themselves should complete the information declaration before November 5. If it is not completed, the enumerator will enter the household registration census form. Li Xiaochao, director of the Office of the Leading Group for the Seventh National Census of the State Council and deputy director of the National Bureau of Statistics, stated that the census was conducted in accordance with the national network security three-level security standards, to build a solid data security guarantee and strengthen the protection of citizens’ personal information. .

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