Teller Report

Physiological serum, manual or electric device ... how to blow your baby's nose?

10/9/2020, 4:29:58 PM

If there are nasal aspirators to allow you to release a toddler when his nose is blocked, Doctor Jimmy Mohamed, health consultant for Europe 1, reminds us that this method is not the most practical, and rather recommend physiological serum.

If there are nasal aspirators to allow you to release a toddler when his nose is blocked, Doctor Jimmy Mohamed, health consultant for Europe 1, reminds us that this method is not the most practical, and rather recommend physiological serum.

Babies often have difficulty breathing.

Especially as autumn approaches, with seasonal colds, their little nostrils can become blocked more easily.

How do you free your child if you notice that he is embarrassed, without risking injury?

At the microphone of 

Sans Rendez-vous

, the health program of Europe 1, doctor Jimmy Mohamed explains how to proceed.

>> Find all of Sans rendez-vous in replay and podcast here

"Newborns breathe only through the nose. A baby with a caught nose will therefore breathe badly. Its small respiratory voices must be released for his comfort. Especially since a child with a caught nose will cough and , perhaps, develop an ear infection A child's nose is washed with physiological saline that is found in pharmacies.

Take an eyedropper, put the baby on the side and squirt the product into his nose.

If it is a newborn, a few drops at the entrance to the nostril is sufficient.

Do not enter the nozzle into the nostril, you risk creating small lesions which, when inflamed, will shrink the size of the nostril and make it more difficult for your child to breathe.

The ideal is to repeat this gesture five to six times a day, no more.

Focus on strategic moments: waking up, before a meal, before going to bed and when you have the impression that the child is embarrassed.

Are nasal aspirators that suck up secretions with a small hose safe?

Sometimes there is some residual secretions.

It may be advantageous in this case to use a manual baby nose device.

Don't invest in an electric baby nasal aspirator, it's no use.

But this treatment must be complementary.

Again: the only way to wash a child's nose is with physiological saline!

From what age is a child able to breathe through his nose and blow his nose?

It depends on the children but it is often complicated.

Around two years old, they start to be a little more effective.

At this age, small bottles of nasal spray also allow you to unclog the nose in a less restrictive way. "