Teller Report

Grégoire Margotton: "We do not comment in the same way in an empty stadium"

10/9/2020, 4:24:15 PM

Grégoire Margotton, the star commentator of TF1 and Téléfoot, spoke of the difficulty of his role in the absence of an audience in football stadiums, due to the coronavirus pandemic. `` We don't comment in the same way. It's not the best time of my job, '' the journalist admitted.

Grégoire Margotton, the star commentator of TF1 and Téléfoot, spoke of the difficulty of his role in the absence of an audience in football stadiums, due to the coronavirus pandemic.

"We do not comment in the same way. It is not the best time of my job," admitted the journalist.


In recent months, Grégoire Margotton and sports commentators have had to adapt to radically different conditions.

With the coronavirus pandemic, the stadiums resound hopelessly empty, despite the presence of a few thousand spectators maximum.

The star commentator of TF1 and the new Téléfoot channel spoke of his difficulty in getting used to these almost soulless and lifeless speakers.

"We do not comment in the same way. It is not easy, it is not the best time of my job and of the role of commentator", admitted Grégoire Margotton, who comments on the matches of the France team on TF1 and the big Ligue 1 posters on Téléfoot, the new main broadcaster of the French championship since this summer.

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 "When I get to my commentary position, I have ten minutes of depression in every game"

Grégoire Margotton, like many football fans, struggles to adapt to these almost empty stadiums.

"I thought I would live very well the fact of returning to a stadium and I am very happy to see again directors, cameramen that I have known for a very long time from the Canal + era (he was a long time figure of Canal + before going on TF1). But when I arrive at my commentary position, I have ten minutes of depression in each match. To find myself in an empty stadium, it's absolutely terrible. So yes, I do not comment in the same way " , lamented the journalist.

"When there is a goal from Eduardo Camavinga or Dimitri Payet, you feel obliged to talk all the time because you have to furnish, because there is no atmosphere. Whereas when a stadium explode, we can shut up for 10 seconds and enjoy. "