Teller Report

Towards a new drop in wages at Barça because of the Covid-19?

10/7/2020, 7:50:50 AM

Barcelona leaders have announced economic losses of around 97 million euros since the start of the health crisis

Leo Messi and his teammates may again have to make an effort to help their club.


Joan Monfort / AP / SIPA

The economic crisis affecting the football world as a result of the coronavirus pandemic is not just a vague excuse that clubs are waving in the face of supporters to justify heartbreaking reduced spending on the transfer market.

New evidence at Barca where, according to

Mundo Deportivo

, the leaders plan to negotiate a new lower salary with the players, as was already the case at the time of discontinuation of football in Europe in mid-March.

The club communicates on its losses

This information comes after the publication of an official press release from the club in which it mentions economic losses of the order of 97 million euros (after tax deductions) since the start of the health crisis.

Thus, the Blaugrana management has already warned its employees - including players - that it is seriously considering making further savings.

The Barcelona squad should be represented by one of the locker room executives when it comes time to start negotiations.


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  • FC Barcelona

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