Teller Report

The White House announced the reduction of troops in Afghanistan to 2.5 thousand

10/7/2020, 9:29:45 PM

American President Donald Trump intends to reduce the US military contingent in Afghanistan to 2,500 by early 2021, said his national security adviser Robert O'Brien.

“When President Trump took office, there were about 10,000 US troops in Afghanistan.

Today there are less than 5 thousand, and this number will decrease to 2.5 thousand by the beginning of next year, "- quoted O'Brien in his speech at the University of Nevada Reuters.

In September, Trump said that the number of US troops in Afghanistan would soon be reduced to 4,000, and in Iraq - 2,000.

In mid-July, the Pentagon announced the completion of the first stage of the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan, in which the United States reduced the number of troops in this country to 8.6 thousand.