Teller Report

Suspicions of tax fraud and search at the headquarters of the German Federation

10/7/2020, 9:00:30 AM

More than 200 investigators were mobilized The German Football Association is headquartered in Frankfurt am Main. - DANIEL ROLAND / AFP German justice raided the premises of the German Football Association (DFB) on Wednesday as well as the homes of several "current and former officials" as part of an investigation for tax evasion, the Frankfurt prosecutor's office announced. Six former and current officials are targeted by the investigatio

The German Football Association is headquartered in Frankfurt am Main.



German justice raided the premises of the German Football Association (DFB) on Wednesday as well as the homes of several "current and former officials" as part of an investigation for tax evasion, the Frankfurt prosecutor's office announced.

Six former and current officials are targeted by the investigation for "tax evasion in particularly serious cases".

Their names have not been made public.

They are accused of having "knowingly misrepresented" to the tax authorities advertising revenue for the years 2014 and 2015 to prevent the DFB from paying nearly 4.7 million euros in taxes, according to a press release.

More than 200 investigators were mobilized for the search, which also targeted several private homes, in the regions of Hesse, Bavaria, North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony and Rhineland-Palatinate.


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  • Tax fraud

  • Sport

  • Search

  • Germany

  • Soccer