Teller Report

Pashinyan named the topics of telephone conversations with Putin

10/7/2020, 11:23:45 PM

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan in an interview with RBC spoke about the main issues that were discussed during several telephone conversations with Russian leader Vladimir Putin.

“Everything is being discussed.

But the main topic being discussed is the situation in our region, and especially the presence of terrorists in the South Caucasus, ”Pashinyan said.

He stressed that the participation of militants of "specific terrorist groups" in the conflict in the Caucasus raises the question of the security of the entire region. 

“This is generally a global security issue.

Because this means that terrorists are expanding their area ... Let's imagine that somehow this conflict ends - after that what will they do?

Undoubtedly, some of these terrorists will remain in the region and will act there, ”the Armenian Prime Minister stressed.

He also spoke about the discussion of the issue of Russia's obligations under the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO).

“If there is a threat to the territory of Armenia through the air defense line, then our joint forces should be involved.

And this is provided for by our agreements, charters and other documents, ”Pashinyan said.

Earlier, the Kremlin clarified that the obligations of the CSTO member states do not apply to the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic.

The Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) of Russia noted that militants from terrorist organizations rushed into the conflict zone in Nagorno-Karabakh.

The Russian Foreign Ministry said that Moscow is concerned about reports of the transfer of foreign mercenaries to the zone of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

At the same time, Azerbaijan denied the participation of foreign forces in military operations on the side of the republic.