Teller Report

Mystery about Trump's return to his office ... and the staff members in quarantine

10/7/2020, 10:07:23 PM

Mystery surrounded the news about the return of US President Donald Trump, to his Oval Office at the White House, the day after his release from the hospital, where he was receiving treatment following his infection with the emerging coronavirus (Covid-19). While the US Department of Defense (the Pentagon) announced that the members of the General Staff were dispersed

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Mystery about Trump's return to his office ... and the staff members in quarantine

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Mystery surrounded the news about the return of US President Donald Trump, to his Oval Office at the White House, the day after his discharge from the hospital, where he was receiving treatment following his infection with the emerging coronavirus (Covid-19).

While the US Department of Defense (the Pentagon) announced that members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff are subject to quarantine, and the White House announced that a prominent White House adviser, Stephen Miller, had been infected with the Corona virus.

Trump's economic adviser, Larry Cadlow, told "CNBC" that Trump came to the White House, the day before yesterday, taking the utmost precautions regarding "Covid-19".

But later White House spokesman Ben Williamson contradicted him, who confirmed that Trump had not come to the Oval Office, and stated that the US president works from his residence.

White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows told reporters yesterday that Trump is looking forward to coming back and working again from the Oval Office in the White House, adding: “The president's condition continues to improve.

He continues to work and is in very good health, and we are happy with the progress he is making. ”

In addition, the "Pentagon" announced that members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, including its Chairman, General Mark Milley, are subject to quarantine.

The results of the "Covid-19" tests that they all underwent revealed that they did not have the disease, but they will isolate themselves after they met the Deputy Commander of the Coast Guard, Admiral Charles Ray, who was confirmed to have the epidemic.

In addition to Millie, the list of people who attended the meetings with Ray includes Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General John Hayton, Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Michael Golday, Chief of Staff of the Army James McConnell, and Chief of Staff of the Air Force General Charles Brown, according to a Pentagon official. .

The official said the meetings were also attended by National Guard Commander Gen. Daniel Hawkanson, Commander of the Space Force, Gen. John Raymond, and Director of the National Security Agency and Head of US Cybersecurity Command, General Paul Nakason.

The official confirmed that all of them were examined, and no positive results were recorded, and none of them showed symptoms.

And a spokesman for the "Pentagon" Jonathan Hoffman confirmed that the officials who had contact with Bray would isolate themselves out of extra caution.

He added, "We are conducting additional tracking operations for contacts and taking appropriate preventive measures to protect the force and the organization."

He stressed that "senior military commanders can maintain full capacity to perform tasks and carry out their duties from an alternate workplace."

The Coast Guard reported that Ray was confirmed last Monday after he had mild symptoms, and that he is being quarantined at his home.

As for US Defense Secretary Mark Esper, who was on a tour abroad last week, he was not among the "Pentagon" officials who isolated themselves.

Esper participated in a conference on the future of the US Navy, the day before yesterday, but he did not make any statements about the quarantine situation in the "Pentagon".

And White House spokeswoman Kylie McNani confirmed that a senior White House adviser, Stephen Miller, had been infected with the Corona virus.

"There is an outbreak (of the virus) clearly here in the White House," she said in an interview with "Fox News", and at the same time she defended the White House's response to it.

Stephen Hadley, the National Security Adviser under former President George W. Bush, warned that "the enemies may think that America is busy with other things, so they can do anything without accountability," according to his description.

For his part, Representative Adam Smith, who chairs the Armed Forces Committee in the House of Representatives dominated by Democrats, denounced the way Trump dealt with the emerging coronavirus crisis and said that it endangered national security.

"Our military can still operate while its leadership is in quarantine," Smith said in a statement, "but the national security implications of the president's recklessness cannot be assured adequately."

"Our enemies will always look for any weaknesses to exploit," he added.

"President Trump's miserable attempts to show strength is not fooling anyone," he said.

The Americans know that he is weak, as do those who wish us harm. ”

And he continued, "Instead of driving, President Trump continues to deliberately endanger the safety and security of the American people and our military apparatus."

Kylie McNani:

"There is clearly an outbreak of Corona virus in the White House."

The White House confirms that "Trump" is in very good health and his condition continues to improve.

The "Pentagon" is tracking Ray's contacts ... and the Chairman of the Armed Forces Committee with "Representatives" criticizes Trump.

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