Teller Report

Mystery about Trump's movements inside the White House

10/7/2020, 9:08:45 PM

A White House spokesman confirmed that US President Donald Trump did not attend the Oval Office yesterday, contradicting what one of the US President’s advisers said earlier. Trump’s behavior was met the day after his discharge from the hospital where he received treatment for his infection with the emerging coronavirus (Covid-19). , M

Mystery about Trump's movements inside the White House

A White House spokesman confirmed that US President Donald Trump did not attend the Oval Office yesterday, contradicting what an adviser to the US President had said earlier.

Trump's behavior the day after his discharge from the hospital, where he received treatment for his infection with the emerging corona virus (Covid-19), is being followed closely at a time of increasing infections among White House workers, including journalists.

"The president wanted to be in the Oval Office yesterday (Tuesday), but he did not come to him and worked from his residence," the president’s spokesman Ben Williamson wrote on Twitter.

The President's economic advisor, Larry Cadlow, confirmed earlier to "CNBC" that Trump attended the White House yesterday, taking the utmost precautions regarding "Covid-19".

The White House indicated that preparations are underway to allow the president to return to his office in the coming days.

Before leaving Walter Reed Military Hospital, on Monday, doctors reported that Trump had not fully recovered yet, stressing that they would not be reassured of his condition for a week.

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