Teller Report

Macron proposes to tighten regime in areas with rising cases of COVID-19

10/7/2020, 11:05:51 PM

French President Emmanuel Macron, in an interview with TF1 and France 2 TV channels, proposed to tighten the restrictions regime in departments where there is a rapid increase in cases of coronavirus infection COVID-19.

“In places where it (coronavirus. - 


) is spreading rapidly, and in particular it is spreading widely among the elderly, who are the most vulnerable, and where we see more and more intensive care beds occupied, we must move towards stricter restrictions ", - Le Figaro quotes him.

As an example, Macron named the Bouches-du-Rhone department and Paris and the suburbs, where restrictions have already been tightened.

In France, over the past day, more than 18 thousand cases of coronavirus infection were detected.

Since October 6, Paris has tightened measures to combat coronavirus: all bars and sports clubs have been closed, companies of more than ten people are prohibited from gathering on the streets.