Teller Report

Emirati sports biological passport to monitor any suspicious doping

10/7/2020, 12:20:51 PM

The UAE National Anti-Doping Committee announced the launch of the biological passport, officially, within the strategic plans pursued by the committee in developing and implementing all types of doping screening within the framework of international efforts being made to fight the scourge of doping in the Riyadh area

Emirati sports biological passport to monitor any suspicious doping

  • Rima Al Hosani: The biological passport does not replace the previous method of doping controls, but rather it possesses it with greater effectiveness.


The UAE National Anti-Doping Committee has officially announced the launch of the biological passport, as part of the committee's strategic plans to develop and implement all types of doping screening within the framework of international efforts being made to fight the scourge of doping in the sports field and to make sport free of any prohibited substances.

The committee said in a statement today, Wednesday: “The biological passport will be more effective than the tests, as it is based on monitoring several variables over time in order to notice any suspicious change that may result from doping as it is an individual electronic record for professional athletes in which files of biomarkers of stimulants are collected. And results of doping tests over a period of time ».

"The National Anti-Doping Committee is now able to detect violations by observing the differences from the levels specified for the athlete outside the permissible limits, as the selected biological variables will be monitored over time, unlike the traditional direct detection of doping by means of analytical doping controls," she added.

For her part, Dr. Rima Al Hosani, head of the National Anti-Doping Committee, said: “The use of biological permissibility does not replace the previous method of doping controls, but rather is considered complementary to it and is more effective in detecting violations as it relies on many strategies, including direct testing of athletes. It is constantly being developed by the International Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and will contribute to the detection of many violations of doping laws. Banned substances in the athlete's sample that were difficult to detect by conventional analytical methods.

Al Hosani explained that "the committee will develop an examination plan, identify athletes, and summon them for the examination program, as the committee can summon any athlete in various sports, subject him to training, and record their data and whereabouts in order to subject them to a number of doping tests throughout the year or quarterly."

The head of the National Anti-Doping Committee indicated that "any athlete who will be summoned must respond to the invitation directly, and in case of refusal, this shall be recorded in his record with the possibility of taking legal measures within the methods recognized in the National Anti-Doping Regulations and within the Global Anti-Doping Code."

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