Teller Report

And now ? For the Council of State, Luzenac should have gone up to L2

10/7/2020, 4:39:02 PM

By confirming that Luzenac should have gone up to Ligue 2 six years ago, the Council of State is opening up an unprecedented situation. LAP president Jérôme Ducros has ideas for the future

Luzenac, then coached by Christophe Pélissier, should have played in Ligue 2 during the 2014-2015 season.


Frédéric Lancelot / Sipa

  • The Council of State rejected an appeal from the LFP and therefore considers that the club of Luzenac (LAP) should have been admitted to play in the Ligue 2 championship in 2014-2015.

  • Questioned by

    20 Minutes

    , the president of LAP Jérôme Ducros puts forward proposals in the face of this unprecedented situation.

  • The small Ariège club is currently playing in the seventh division.

It is a simple sentence, but for Jérôme Ducros, president of Luzenac Ariège Pyrénées (LAP), it is worth the integral

of Balzac's

Human Comedy

: “The appeal of the Professional Football League is not allowed.

The Council of State ruled: the LAP should have played in Ligue 2 during the 2014-2015 season.

A decision set in stone, since the opinions of the highest French administrative court cannot be appealed.

The Council of State rejected the appeal of the Professional Football League (LFP) against an opinion of the administrative court of appeal of Bordeaux, delivered in June 2019 and favorable to the club of the small Pyrenean village of about 600 inhabitants.

A banner “Remember Luzenac” censored during France-Luxembourg via @ 20minutes

- 20 Minutes Toulouse (@ 20minutestoul) September 5, 2017

In the summer of 2014, the LAP was refused by the LFP the climb gained in the field, at the end of a long sports-judicial soap opera very publicized.

Before finally returning to the seventh division ... The battle then continued in court, with various setbacks, until this irreversible decision by the Council of State.

“It's a great satisfaction, reacted Jérôme Ducros, contacted by

20 Minutes


I learned the news from my lawyer on Monday [the Council of State's decision dates back to Friday, and was made public on Tuesday by

La Dépêche du Midi


A lot of people would advise me to give up, they would tell me that there was nothing to do with mammoths like that.

No, French law has made me right.

The judgment recognizes the fault of the LFP.


"Sit around the table" with the LFP

All right, but now?

"We will contact the League in the coming days, kindly, without bitterness, to find out if they agree to sit down around the table," indicates the real estate developer based in Toulouse.

If they don't agree, we'll go to court.


Because the situation is unique.

What to do with Luzenac, who is now playing in Regional 1, the sixth division?

Integrate it into the Ligue 2 championship during the 2020-2021 season, or at "an acceptable level", which can be National or National 1 (third or fourth division), according to Ducros.

Jérôme Ducros, Fabien Barthez and Christophe Rodriguez, the leaders of Luzenac when the club was at the gates of Ligue 2, April 25, 2017 at the Administrative Court of Toulouse.

- N. Stival / 20 Minutes

“Ligue 2, I can go get it, warns the latter.

I have an official agreement from the town hall of Rodez to play in their stadium in L2.

If it's the National or the National 1, it will be in Foix.

But in this case, it will be necessary to put the Federation [the FFF, which manages the championships below Ligue 2] in the loop.


What financial compensation?

However, as the manager observed, “today there is a staff problem, a player problem.

How do we do now?

This is where the financial compensation demanded by Luzenac comes into play.

"How much can we ask for?"

I don't know, admits the president.

It is not a question of money at the base, but the money is necessary to start again.

Everything will depend on the level, on what they will offer us.

Otherwise, we will go to court to find the money that is due to us, and find out how much the damage is estimated.

In 2014-2015, we were in Ligue 2, and there was a good chance that we would go up to L1: Gazélec Ajaccio finished second in L2 that season and reached the elite with a team below the our.


After the fall of the LAP, the Corsican club had come to draw its striker Khalid Boutaïb, future Moroccan international.

The Luzenacian coach of the time Christophe Pelissier, passed through Amiens and today in Lorient (L1), has made a name for himself in French football.

“I want us to recognize publicly that the LAP had to go up to Ligue 2, insists Ducros.

It is a moral question.

We can never completely fix what happened.


The ball is now in the LFP's court, and we are curious to see the continuation of this long series with twists as incredible as the abortive epic of the small Ariège club.


Lorient: Christophe Pélissier is the new coach of the Merlus


Luzenac: Justice, appeal for donations ... Stunned but not KO, the Ariège club continues its fight

  • Sport

  • League 2

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  • Toulouse

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  • Luzenac

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