Teller Report

Threats and slander - the nomination committee reports

10/6/2020, 3:14:50 PM

It continues to be infected in Swedish figure skating. After the union meeting where chairman Katarina Henriksson was not re-elected, the nomination committee has reported several people to the union's ethics and discipline committee for threats and slander.

In recent months, criticism has been leveled at the Swedish Figure Skating Federation's board, led by the then chairman Katarina Henriksson. 

At the beginning of June, a review by SVT Sport showed that the Swedish Figure Skating Association found out about malpractices in the sport on at least 15 occasions during a twelve-year period, but did not act.

Shortly afterwards, an external investigation showed that there are irregularities in the sport, such as emotional abuse and weight against skiers.  

Prior to the union meeting at the end of September, several districts considered that Henriksson, who was the nomination committee's proposal for a new chairman, was not eligible for election because she had been paid by the union for assignments she received from the board.

This was in conflict, according to the districts, which were right at the union meeting, against the union's statutes, which state that board members may not be employed. 

SVT Sport can now reveal that members of the Swedish Figure Skating Association's nomination committee have reported several people connected to Swedish figure skating to the association's ethics and discipline committee. 

Refers to a number of emails 

In the report, which SVT Sport has read, the complainants believe that they have been subjected to slander and threats. 

They refer to a number of emails that the registered persons sent to the Nomination Committee during and after their work on proposing a new Board. 

According to the notifiers, the email contains attempts to influence the nomination committee in the work of proposing a new board.

The Nomination Committee also believes that it is suggested that they are in a position of dependence on Katarina Henriksson to get prestigious assignments in figure skating themselves. 

The complainants believe that this statement "can be likened to libel". 

As an example of a threat, the Nomination Committee takes up an e-mail in which a person writes that he will publish documents showing that the Nomination Committee has committed errors in its work if they propose Henriksson as the new chairman.  

The application must now be processed by the figure skating association's ethics and discipline committee.