Teller Report

Bruksvallarnas crisis plan: "The worst possible is fifty skiers"

10/6/2020, 11:42:25 AM

The Bruksvallsloppet, which inaugurates the Swedish long-distance season, may be in a scaled-down edition this year. The organizers follow the development of the coronavirus and may be forced to implement plan-B. - The worst thing imaginable is that there are only fifty skiers on the starting line, says competition leader Mikaela Sundbaum.

On November 20-22, it's time again for the elite of Sweden's cross-country skiers to head to Bruksvallarna for a competition premiere.

SVT broadcasts the competitions that the organizers, despite restrictions, promise will be entertaining.

- We will carry out the Bruksvall race, we are completely set on that, but I do not dare to say exactly how many people we are allowed to have on the starting line.

On the other hand, I dare say that the very best will be on the starting line, says competition leader Mikaela Sundbaum to SVT Sport.   

Now on Friday, the International Ski Federation is expected to make new decisions for the upcoming World Cup season, but Mikaela Sundbaum does not believe that those decisions will affect the competitions in Bruksvallarna.

- After that, we may know a little more if there will be any information, but based on the meetings that have been before, it seems as if you intend to run the World Cup as usual, Sundbaum says.

No international participants

The competitions in Bruksvallarna usually include some international guests in the form of skiers from other nations.

This year, however, the probability is quite high that there will be significantly fewer well-known guests.

- As it looks now, we will probably not have any international competitors on the starting line.

We have received some inquiries from, in the ski world, smaller nations but the larger nations have not heard from us yet.