Teller Report

Sources: Trump confirmed to his aides his fear of death due to "Corona"

10/5/2020, 8:09:13 PM

The American magazine "Vanity Fair" said that the President of the United States Donald Trump has expressed to his aides his doubts about his ability to overcome his infection with the emerging coronavirus (Covid-19) and his fear of possible death. In a report, the magazine quoted three Republican sources close to the White House emphasis

Sources: Trump confirmed to his aides his fear of death due to "Corona"

The American magazine "Vanity Fair" said that the President of the United States, Donald Trump, expressed to his aides his doubts about his ability to overcome his infection with the emerging coronavirus (Covid-19) and his fear of possible death.

In a report, the magazine quoted three Republican sources close to the White House confirming that Trump showed concrete concern after he had to resort to breathing medical oxygen last Friday and his body temperature rose to about 39.5 degrees Celsius.

Two other sources confirmed to the magazine that on Friday night Trump also suffered from heart palpitations, most likely because he took experimental drugs.

The magazine said that Trump publicly questioned whether he would be able to defeat the epidemic, and addressed his aides by saying: "Should I leave like Stan Chira?" (Referring to his friend, businessman Stanley Chira, who died from Corona last April), according to the "Russia channel" Today".

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  • Donald Trump,

  • Corona Virus,

  • White House