Teller Report

Madrid's iron ruler sees priority for the collapsed economy, not Coronavirus

10/5/2020, 10:03:07 PM

The rates of "Covid-19" infection in Spain are the worst in Europe, and the situation in Madrid is the worst in Spain as a whole, but it seems that Madrid is in trouble with the presence of the Iron Woman, or rather the right-wing president of the regional government in Greater Madrid, Isabel Diaz Ayuso, Which you see prof

It entered into conflict with the central government

Madrid's iron ruler sees priority for the collapsed economy, not Coronavirus

  • Ayusu was forced to bow before the lockdown measures but pledged to take her case to the courts.

    From the source

  • Madrid police monitor the obligation of bystanders to wear masks.

    From the source


The rates of "Covid-19" infection in Spain are the worst in Europe, and the situation in Madrid is the worst in Spain as a whole, but it seems that Madrid is in trouble with the presence of the Iron Woman, or rather the right-wing president of the regional government in Greater Madrid, Isabel Diaz Ayuso, Which believes that the priority should be to the collapsing economy, not to fight Corona.

Ayusu has been at war with the socialist central government, and in a bitter personal quarrel with the Minister of Health, Salvador Illa, as she has become the only voice in Spain in pressing for priority not to fight the epidemic, but to defend the collapsing economy.

In this spirit, she finally justified her position when she said that "people are being run over every day, but we do not prohibit cars," as she likened cars to "Corona".

Spain adopted stricter lockdown rules than the rest of Europe in the spring, and the government is starting to impose almost strict restrictions on Madrid again now.

After two weeks of fighting to prevent the implementation of those instructions, Ayusu, 41, was forced, on Thursday, to bow to these measures, but angrily vowed to take her case to the courts "to defend the legitimate interests of the Madridians."

Ayusu said a few days ago, "If we apply the arbitrary rules invented by a committee of non-existent experts, we will see lines of hungry again, and unemployment figures rise 10 times," but she added that the ruling socialists "do not care, because they do not know anything about the economy and jobs."

The economic situation in Spain is bad enough, as the Spanish economy shrank by 18.5% in the second quarter of this year, and as a result of this the human cost is increasing due to the "Covid-19" infection, and there is an increasing ominous harbinger with lower temperatures in the fall, which is the reason Minister Aila pushed for restrictions, including prohibiting people from entering or leaving their areas, except for work or education purposes, and closing bars and restaurants by 11 pm, as is the case in the UK, with gatherings limited to just six people.

One of the curious things about Spain is that it applies penalties to those who do not wear masks in the streets and parks. However, restaurants and bars find a sea of ​​naked faces.

Political commentators believe Ayusu is increasingly describing herself as the Spanish Iron Lady, but the extent of her knowledge of the economy and jobs is open to question.

Ayusu is a journalist by profession, and before assuming her current position, she ran the social network communications for the Madrid regional government.

In Madrid's political circles, she is seen as a party member who rose to where she is now thanks to her close friendship and loyalty to politician Lablo Casado, the 39-year-old hard-liner who has led Ayusu's People's Party since 2018.

She is fond of bullfighting and supports Real Madrid, but unusually for the Spanish right, she is not interested in the teachings of the Catholic Church.

Divorced, without children, and lives with a former hairdresser.

Somewhat extreme, not only in her opinions, but in her personal style, she rarely wears makeup like other women, and some consider her foolish, or that this is the word that her opponents in particular use to describe her, which surprises those who know her well.

The Minister of Health is widely seen as a conservative and balanced family head, striving for moderation in everything.

Ella was educated in business school, at the age of 54, and served as the mayor of Catalonia, and has decades of experience in government administration, and prefers to take a cautious approach to the Corona virus.



see the mood of the Spanish public changing to its own disadvantage, but it is too early to tell who has the right opinion and who is the fool in the end.

Ayusu: If we apply the arbitrary rules invented by a panel of non-existent experts, we will see lines of hungry people again, and unemployment numbers rise 10 times.

Political commentators believe Ayuso is increasingly describing herself as the Spanish Iron Lady, but the extent of her knowledge of the economy and jobs is questionable.

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