Teller Report

Deaths and hospitalizations in sheaves increase by 31% in one week

10/2/2020, 10:27:23 AM

The latest epidemiological update from Public Health France on Covid-19 reveals an increase in hospitalizations, intensive care admissions and deaths

Illustration of a resuscitation unit at the Pellegrin hospital in Bordeaux.



  • Every Thursday evening, the Public Health France agency unveils epidemiological data on Covid-19 in the country. 

  • The last point highlights an increase in hospitalizations (+ 15%), admissions to intensive care (+ 31%) and deaths (+ 31%).

  • It also gives precise information on clusters in schools in particular. 

The figures examined under a magnifying glass.

As the second wave of coronavirus sweeps across the country and Olivier Véran announced Thursday that Lille, Lyon, Grenoble, Toulouse, Saint-Etienne and Paris could soon switch to a “maximum alert” zone, Public Health France has just published its weekly epidemiological bulletin concerning Covid-19.

Figures stopped on Wednesday, September 29 and which remain to be consolidated.

But which suggests that, even if the incidence is stagnant, hospitalizations and deaths have increased over the past week.

20 Minutes

summarizes the main lessons in four points.

  • The number of cases remains stable, but the oldest are more affected

The incidence rate in metropolitan France has remained stable with 104 cases per 100,000 inhabitants (against 110 last week).

But looking at the data by age, the worrying predictions are confirmed: today, people who test positive are older than a few weeks ago.

Over the past week, “the incidence rate has decreased among 0-14 year olds and 15-44 year olds.

This rate was stable among 45-64 year olds and 75 and over, and only increased among 65-74 year olds (+ 6%), ”the press release said.

“The weekly number of cases has been multiplied by 4.3 for

65-74 years since mid-August, explains Sophie Vaux, pharmacist epidemiologist at Public Health France.

For now, the virus continues to spread to these at-risk populations, which is a sign of concern.


As for the positivity rate, it continues to increase: it is 7.6% against 6.4% at the beginning of September.

"Among all the people tested [at the end of September] (whatever the result of the test), 65% declared themselves symptom-free", specifies the bulletin.

“We are in a bit of an in-between, analyzes Daniel Lévy-Bruhl, head of the respiratory infections unit of Public Health France.

We are no longer in an increase in incidence, but we want to remain cautious before posting an optimistic message.

We remain worried about the hospital consequences on what has happened in recent weeks.


  • Resuscitation admissions and deaths increase by 31%

Indeed, the figures are not reassuring.

Hospitalizations for Covid-19 continue to increase with 4,204 new admissions, an increase of + 15%.

"With the highest hospitalization rates in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Ile-de-France, Rhône-Alpes and Hauts de France", insists Sophie Vaux.

"For two or three weeks, a third of hospitalizations have concerned Ile-de-France," adds Patrick Rolland, epidemiologist at the health authority.

More worryingly, the country has 786 new ICU admissions of Covid-19 patients over the past week, or + 31%.

Exactly the same increase as deaths: 436 people have died from Covid, up from 332 last week.

On the other hand, for the first week since July, emergency room visits for suspected Covid-19 were down 23%, all ages combined.

  • Where are the main clusters?

Among the 2,830 identified clusters, companies outside health establishments remain “among the types of communities most represented for the occurrence of clusters (25%), then schools and universities (20%) and extended family and events public / private bringing together people temporarily (18%) ”, before hospitals (11%), specifies the epidemiological point.

Knowing that the clusters that occur in restaurants and bars are classified in companies when it is the employees who are infected, but in “public / private events” when consumers test positive.

"A rapid screening allows us to say that out of the 300 clusters in public and private gatherings spotted since May, ten have been identified among the population in bars", underlines Patrick Rolland, of Public Health France.

Second interesting data: the clusters in schools are detailed: 33% of these clusters take place at the university, 45.7% in secondary education, 14.3% in primary school and 6% in nursery school.

This is consistent with the idea that children under 12 are not very contaminating.

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  • Times for screening increase for symptomatic patients

The average delay among symptomatic cases between the first symptoms and the date of collection for screening by PCR test is increasing from 3 to 3.3 days.

While Olivier Véran assured Thursday evening that the time to obtain the results was reduced to 48 hours ... "This period of 3.3 days depends on the promptness for those who have symptoms to go for screening", specifies Alexandra Mailles, epidemiologist at Public Health France.

So he doesn't understand the wait, then, before getting the test result.


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A teleservice for work stoppages

To facilitate the work of the Health Insurance and encourage the isolation of asymptomatic and contact cases, it is opening, as of this Friday, October 3, a new teleservice, on this site, which can be consulted from a smartphone.

Goal ?

Allow people to request a work stoppage online.

Provided that the Health Insurance has contacted this person to invite him to isolate himself and to carry out a test, after a risk contact with a person tested positive for the coronavirus.

  • epidemic

  • Coronavirus

  • Health

  • Covid 19

  • Society

  • Hospital