Teller Report

When Dani tells about her explosive duet with JoeyStarr

10/1/2020, 3:48:10 PM

In his new album & quot; Golden Horizons & quot ;, Dani resumes in duet with JoeyStarr his title & quot; What is it, what is it & nbsp; not? & Quot ;. Guest of the show & quot; Musique! & Quot;, & nbsp; the singer tells about her meeting and her work with the most rock'n'roll of rappers. & Nbsp;

In his new album "Golden Horizons", Dani takes up in a duet with JoeyStarr his title "What is it, what is it not?".

Guest of the show "Musique!", The singer tells about her meeting and her work with the most rock'n'roll of rappers. 


She had unveiled this duo in preview on the air of Europe 1. Dani resumes with JoeyStarr his title 

What is it, what is it not?

, the only duo from his new album, 

Horizons Dorés.

At the microphone of Émilie Mazoyer in the program 


, the singer tells how the very rock artistic couple formed with the rapper affectionately nicknamed "Didou".

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"We had a great time"

The collaboration between the two artists, who had already met, was done in a very spontaneous way.

All that was needed was the intervention of Pierre Grillet, lyricist and director who worked in the past with the rapper and rocker.

"With Didier [Didier Morville, alias JoeyStarr] we've known each other for a little while," Dani recalls.

"One day, he told Pierre Grillet that he loved his song 

C'est-c't'as, quoi-c't'as pas?, Which

 I had sung.

And Pierre answered him 'You just have to come and sing it with Dani, we'll do a duet', ”she explains.

Dani and JoeyStarr then meet naturally in the studio.

"We had a great time," recalls the interpreter of 

Comme un boomerang


"And Joey really made the song his own."

Indeed, in the 2020 version of

Quelle-c't'as, quoi-c't'a pas? 

JoeyStarr doesn't just rap but sings, in the more "traditional" sense of the term. 


Dani: "'Like a boomerang' should have been released in 1975 for Eurovision"

Total admiration for JoeyStarr

We understand the way Dani speaks of "Didou" her admiration for the singer and for the man whose rebellious side she praises.

But the singer also admires in the actor of 


the stage presence in the theater.

JoeyStarr was indeed recently illustrated on the boards in

Eloquence to the Assembly,

a play co-written by Pierre Grillet.

The former NTM proclaims a selection of speeches from the National Assembly that have marked the history of France.

“It's beautiful,” Dani marvels.

"The fact that it's him, the way he plays on stage, it's very beautiful. He captures everyone's attention with these obviously political speeches, but especially magnificent when it is he who says them."

An admiration and a bond between the two artists who transpire in their duo.