Teller Report

The UAE tops the region in the "digital competitiveness" index

10/1/2020, 7:44:53 PM

The United Arab Emirates ranked first in the Arab world and among the countries of the region as one of the best competitive countries in the world in the Digital Competitiveness Index for the year 2020, issued by the Global Competitiveness Center of the International Institute for Administrative Development in Lausanne, Switzerland.

It advanced over China, Japan, Germany, France and Belgium

The UAE tops the region in the "digital competitiveness" index

  • In this year's report, the UAE maintained its first place in the Arab world in all major axes.

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The United Arab Emirates ranked first in the Arab world and among the countries of the region as one of the best competitive countries in the world in the Digital Competitiveness Index for 2020, issued by the “Global Competitiveness Center” of the “International Institute for Administrative Development” in Lausanne, Switzerland.

The UAE ranked 14th in the world in the overall ranking, ahead of countries such as Australia, China, Germany, France, Japan and Belgium, which is considered a remarkable achievement during the period in which the repercussions of "Covid-19" are ravaging the world's largest economies.

first place

In this year's report, the UAE maintained its first place in the Arab world in all three main axes of the report, which is the “technology” axis, with which the country achieved fourth place in the world, and the 11th globally in the “readiness for the future” axis, and it jumped four ranks in the “knowledge axis” ».

The Global Digital Competitiveness Index for this year monitors the performance of 63 countries through 52 sub-indicators, which converge in nine sub-axes to form the three main axes of the report.

The Minister of Economy, Abdullah bin Touq Al-Marri, affirmed that “the UAE’s achievement of the first place globally in the (Public-Private Partnership Index) is an affirmation of the UAE government's firm confidence in the importance of the partnership between the public and private sectors, based on the directives of the wise leadership to enhance the role of the sector. The private sector, being one of the important pillars of the state’s economy, and working on adopting open government policies that enhance the economic performance of the private sector.

Advanced ranks

For his part, Director General of the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority, Hamad Obaid Al Mansoori, praised the country's performance in this year's report, and its achievement of advanced global ranks in this strategic sector, saying: “The results achieved by the UAE in the Digital Competitiveness Index for 2020 are considered a global testimony. ». New, added to the UAE’s record of achievements in the field of global competitiveness. The report also confirms the state’s ability to adopt and explore various digital technologies that enhance digital transformation processes in government agencies, the business sector and society.

In turn, the Director General of the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship, Major General Mansour Ahmed Al Dhaheri, affirmed his pride in achieving the UAE's first place in the world in the index of "flexibility of residency laws."

Al Dhaheri said: “Based on the ambitious vision of our wise leadership to build a digital future in the country, and to devote leadership in the field of innovation and artificial intelligence, the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship has attached great importance to digital transformation in its method of work, which is based on improving the authority’s performance in the field of digital transformation and integrated digitization. For operations and services, starting with automating its services by 100% and reducing the percentage of customers in customer happiness centers to 80% by 2021. ”

He added: “Investing in human capital is the engine of development, and we will work with all our strategic partners to spread digital awareness and build a digital culture among all members of society, in line with the trends of our beloved country in facilitating and enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of digital operations and services, and an integrated digital culture, with the aim of helping customers. In overcoming challenges, and making use of digital technologies in dealing with individuals and institutions to achieve a trend that advances society and in all services, in a manner that ensures strategic preparation for the next 50 years.

For his part, the Director General of the Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Authority, Abdullah Nasser Lootah, expressed his deep thanks to all strategic partners in government and local agencies, national statistics centers and partners from the private sector for their efforts and cooperation to enhance the state's competitiveness and progress in all indicators and reports. Global, and raising the name of the UAE high in international forums.

He said: “Our wise government in the UAE attaches great importance to the role of effective partnerships between all federal and local government agencies and the private sector to support the competitiveness file, and with generous directions from the wise leadership, the wheel of continuous improvement of legislation and laws in all vital sectors, such as the economy, health, education, advanced science, etc. That would contribute to accelerating the growth of economic activities in the country, and elevating the performance of the UAE to the ranks of the advanced global economies.

Global leadership

The UAE ranked first in the world in the "wireless broadband" index, in the "partnership between the public and private sectors" and in the "resilience of residence laws" index.

The country also ranked second in the world in the indicators of "availability of global expertise" and "companies' use of big data and analytical tools."

And it ranked third globally in the indicators of "city management" and "net flow of international students", "highly skilled foreigners" index, as well as in the "legal framework" sub-axis.

In addition to achieving fourth place in the world in the main axis of "technology", the country has also achieved fourth place in the world in the "availability of opportunities and absence of threats" index and the "information security index".

The UAE also ranked fifth in the world in the “trends towards globalization” index, in addition to achieving fifth place globally in the “talent” sub-axis.

Competitiveness index

The Global Digital Competitiveness Index was issued for the first time in 2017, and it is issued by the Global Competitiveness Center of the International Institute for Administrative Development in Lausanne, Switzerland, one of the most specialized colleges in the world in this field.

- The

country ranks first in the world in "wireless broadband", "partnership between the government and private sectors" and "residency laws."

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