Teller Report

Strike at the Film University in Budapest

10/1/2020, 5:39:10 PM

The Orbán government has appointed a new board to the Film and Theater University in Budapest, which has led to major protests at the school. Today the teachers went on strike.

In the spring, Viktor Orbán's government decided that the prestigious Film and Theater University (SZFE) would become privately owned, and appointed five board members.

As a result, teachers and students believe that the school has lost its autonomy, and they fear that politicians will now control the activity at the school.

On Wednesday, the old board was allowed to resign, but the students have stopped the new board members from entering the school.

Today, instead, the teachers went on strike.

- The purpose of the strike is to regain our independence.

During the strike we neither work nor teach.

This prevents the university from functioning, says teacher Ivan Szabo.

- In our opinion, nothing will be as usual until the university regains its independence.

Therefore, the strike is our only legitimate tool to stop the activity here at the university.

At the start of the autumn term, several theater directors and teachers resigned in protest, and students have occupied the university for over a month.