Teller Report

Polytechnic University under the Ministry of Employment, 2,500'illegal personnel' over 5 years

10/1/2020, 9:50:41 PM

It has been found that the Korea Polytechnic University under the Ministry of Employment and Labor has violated the Private School Act and illegally manipulated 2,500 people over the past five years. As a result of analyzing the data submitted by the Polytechnic University by Rep. Dae-Soo Park, a member of the National Assembly's Environmental Labor Committee, the Polytechnic University has unfairly issued 2,544 personnel for the past five years without going through the'BOD resolution' stipulated by the Private School Act. Confirmed.

It has been found that the Korea Polytechnic University under the Ministry of Employment and Labor has violated the Private School Act and illegally manipulated 2,500 people over the past five years.

As a result of analyzing the data submitted by Polytechnic University by Rep. Dae-Soo Park, a member of the National Assembly's Environmental Labor Committee, Polytechnic University has unfairly issued 2,544 personnel for the past five years without going through the'BOD resolution' stipulated by the Private School Act. Confirmed.

Article 53 of the Private School Act stipulates that'the appointment of teachers for private schools established and managed by school corporations and corporate private school managers must undergo a resolution of the board of directors', but this was not observed.

Polytechnic University has been found to have decided on the personnel of teachers without going through a resolution of the board of directors based on the phrase'the director can transfer or dispatch teachers to other schools or dispatch them to a corporate office within the period of appointment' included in the school's articles of association. It.

In particular, at the beginning of this year, professors who had worked at the Nonsan Bio Campus were sent to other campuses such as Seongnam without permission, but the professors asked the Faculty Appeal Review Committee to review the disposition of the transfer, and received a decision to cancel the transfer.

The Appeals Review Committee determined that the personnel of the professors did not go through the board of directors, and that there is a potential for illegality.

In this process, Biocampus students held a group demonstration in front of the Ministry of Employment, the ministry of employment, in June, and filed a lawsuit against school corporations for damages for infringement of their right to study.

98 students of Biocampus, including Song Gi-hoon, said, "Without considering the characteristics of the school that needs to cultivate vocational competency, students were seriously infringed on their right to study by sending professors who were teaching to a department or other campus that was not related to their major." A lawsuit was filed in Daejeon District Court claiming 49 million won in damages against corporations, the chairman, and the dean.

Earlier in January, out of 22 professors in six departments of the Polytechnic University's biocampus, seven were transferred to other departments in the biocampus, and two were dispatched to different universities and external organizations.

Rep. Park Dae-soo pointed out, "It is obviously illegal to ignore the relevant laws and apply only the articles of incorporation at will."

In addition, he emphasized, "Even now, we must conduct a thorough investigation to see if there are any teachers who have been disadvantaged by illegal personnel measures, and if there is a case of damage, we must return personnel and discipline the person in charge.

In response, Polytechnic University explained, "It was a high education institution under the Private School Act and other public institutions under the Ministry of Employment and Labor.

(Photo = Yonhap News) 

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