Teller Report

Loire-Atlantique is preparing for storm Alex

10/1/2020, 3:09:52 PM

In recent hours, several closure announcements have fallen in the department in view of storm AlexThe Saint-Nazaire bridge. - D. Meyer / AFP The Nantes gardens will be closed to the public this Friday morning and until further notice. Restrictions will apply on the Saint-Nazaire bridge and probably on that of Cheviré. Everyboy inside ! During the night from Thursday to Friday, storm Alex is expected over the north-west of the country, mainly in Brittany and Loire-Atlantique, classified orange

The Saint-Nazaire bridge.


D. Meyer / AFP

  • The Nantes gardens will be closed to the public this Friday morning and until further notice.

  • Restrictions will apply on the Saint-Nazaire bridge and probably on that of Cheviré.

Everyboy inside !

During the night from Thursday to Friday, storm Alex is expected over the north-west of the country, mainly in Brittany and Loire-Atlantique, classified orange for strong winds.

An episode of heavy rains accompanied by strong gusts is announced, which prompts the authorities to take their precautions.

In Nantes, for example, all parks, squares and enclosed gardens will be closed to the public this Friday morning and until further notice.

"Depending on the inventory (assessment of the damage caused) which will be carried out by the city services tomorrow morning, the parks and gardens with enclosures may reopen gradually during the day", indicates the city.

The Saint-Nazaire bridge closed between midnight and 6 a.m.

“The Saint-Nazaire bridge will be closed to traffic during the night of Thursday 1 to Friday 2 October, between midnight and 6 am, indicates for its part the departmental council of Loire-Atlantique.

In general, it is recommended to stay informed of traffic conditions, to limit travel as much as possible and to exercise caution on the road.

»According to our information, restrictions will also be announced at the end of the day for the Cheviré bridge.

"Electricity and telephone cuts can affect distribution networks for relatively long periods of time, roofs and chimneys can be damaged", warns the Loire-Atlantique prefecture, which gives a list of "behavioral advice".

"Do not walk on the coast or in the forest", "stop all outdoor activity", "store or secure objects sensitive to the effects of the wind or liable to be damaged" are among the recommendations.


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