Teller Report

Israel and Lebanon ready to negotiate the course of their maritime borders

10/1/2020, 11:15:22 PM

After ten years of indirect talks under the aegis of the United States, Lebanon announced this Thursday, September 1, a framework agreement on a negotiation mechanism with Israel on the subject of the delineation of the frontiers.

Israel and Lebanon ready to negotiate the course of their maritime borders

The Lebanese-Israeli border, September 5, 2018. AFP / Jack Guez

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After ten years of indirect talks under the aegis of the United States, Lebanon announced this Thursday, September 1, a framework agreement on a negotiation mechanism with Israel on the subject of the delimitation of maritime borders.

Israel confirmed the deal.


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With our correspondent in Beirut,

Paul Khalifeh

Mandated by the Lebanese authorities and by Hezbollah to negotiate this issue with the United States, the Speaker of Parliament, Nabih Berri, announced the news.

Lebanon and Israel will begin negotiations under the auspices of the United Nations, as of this month of October, to delimit their maritime borders.

The stakes are very high.

They relate to a dispute between Lebanon and Israel, around a triangle of 850 square kilometers rich in hydrocarbons.

The delineation of the borders would allow Lebanon to begin exploiting its resources, at a time when it is hit by the worst economic and financial crisis in its history.

Secondly, land borders

In a second step, the two countries, technically at war since 1948, will negotiate the course of the land borders.

It will not be easy because Lebanon claims the Shebaa farms, occupied by Israel at the crossroads of the Lebanese, Syrian and Israeli borders.

On the Lebanese side, the negotiations will be led by officers and specialists from the Lebanese army, at UNIFIL HQ in Naqoura.

Although seated around the same table, the Lebanese and the Israelis will not speak directly to each other but will negotiate through a United Nations representative.

The United States will act as a mediator between the two countries.

See also: Lebanon-Israel: progress on the border line


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