Teller Report

In Rennes, the customers of the rooms "too happy to resume sport"

10/1/2020, 2:27:22 PM

The administrative court of Rennes ordered this Thursday morning the suspension of the prefectural decree imposing the closure of sports halls and gymnasiums for a period of 15 days

Closed since Saturday, sports halls can reopen in Rennes.


J. Gicquel / 20 Minutes

  • Closed since Saturday by decision of the prefecture, the sports halls can reopen in Rennes.

  • The court ordered this Thursday morning the suspension of the execution of the prefectural order imposing the closure of the premises.

  • The court decision was greeted with relief by the managers and customers of the rooms.

“I missed it so much, I'm so happy to be back in sport”.

In full effort on his treadmill, Alexandre has a banana.

Because for a week, the young man of 26 years has been chomping at the bit, like all fans of cardio and weight training in Rennes.

Since Saturday, all sports and fitness centers had been forced to close their doors in the Rennes metropolitan area.

A decision taken by the authorities for a period of at least fifteen days to fight against the spread of the coronavirus in the Breton capital, classified as an enhanced alert zone.

But drama this Thursday morning, the justice suspended the closure order taken by the prefect, allowing at the same time the immediate reopening of the rooms.

As soon as the decision was known, Frédérique Bernard hastened to announce the good news to her customers by SMS or on social networks.

And at sharp noon, its Keep Cool room, located on the Colombier slab, reopened its doors.

“The prefecture's decision fell like a cleaver last week,” she assures.

But we did not want to let go of the case and we did well because justice finally proved us right ”.

No cluster identified in sports halls

In his order, the judge in summary proceedings considered that the closure imposed on sports halls “seriously and immediately affected their economic and financial situation, already impacted by the closure imposed during confinement”.

Based on the latest health data, he especially felt that sports halls "could not be regarded as places of active propagation of the Covid-19 virus".

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Manager of the ICR Fitness club in Rennes, Stéphane Mollier welcomed the court decision with great relief.

“This proves that we had solid arguments,” he says.

We have always said that we are not the problem but the solution.

The sanitary instructions were applied to the letter in the rooms with the separation between the machines, the systematic disinfection of the premises and the devices or the provision of gel.

It's simple, gyms have never been as clean as they are today ”.

"Let this decision set a precedent", hopes a lawyer

For now, Rennes is however an exception.

Because in Bordeaux, Nice and Lille, the administrative justice maintained the closure of sports halls, rejecting the summary appeal filed by the managers of sports halls.

"We now hope that this decision will set a precedent," said Maître Emilie Marie, lawyer for three Fitness Park franchisees in Rennes.

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20 Minutes

, the prefecture of Ille-et-Vilaine did not wish to comment on the court decision.

"We are in the process of analyzing it", indicates the cabinet.


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Gyms may also reopen

The decision of the summary judge to suspend the prefectural decree also concerns gymnasiums in the Rennes metropolitan area, which had also been forced to close.

It is now up to the mayors to reopen or not the gymnasiums in their municipality.

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