Teller Report

Health reports 182 deaths and 9,419 new cases of coronavirus

10/1/2020, 5:42:11 PM

"Although we are making a great effort to detect and control the coronavirus epidemic, we have a level of transmission in Spain that is not at all desirable," he said.

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"Although we are making a great effort to detect and control the coronavirus epidemic,

we have a level of transmission in Spain that is not at all desirable,

" said epidemiologist Fernando Simón, at a press conference.

According to Simón, 26 of the 52 Spanish provinces and territories are in a clear downward phase, but around eight are in a clearly upward phase, and "some of them with a lot of weight in the national total."

Simón has specifically referred to the Community of Madrid: "It represents more than 35% of the cases that are notified throughout Spain," he said about the Community.


The situation is not desirable and we all have to assume that

," he said.

The director of the Center for Coordination of Health Alerts and Emergencies of the Ministry of Health has assured that there is great pressure on primary care and that Madrid has a hospital occupancy of 23% of conventional beds and 42% in ICUs.

"They are very important data," he assured.

Fernando Simón has made an appeal to the population of Madrid.

"The population knows right now what are the key prevention and control measures," he said, referring to masks, hand washing and safety distances.

"The measures that are being taken in Madrid are powerful measures, measures that have to have an impact, but they are minimal measures, I think they have to be increased in some way."

As for leaving the house only for essential issues, Simón assures that

"if the population is aware of the part that they have to do, we will have a large part of the road traveled



"In recent weeks, despite the measures that have been increased,

we have not obtained the appropriate result,

" said Fernando Simón in relation to the perimeter confinements by sanitary areas that have been taking place for weeks in Madrid.

"We could not do anything other than

recommend a specific action

in very high-risk areas such as the one proposed yesterday in the Interterritorial Council," he said.

"The criteria that are raised in that order

are criteria for an extreme situation



"We cannot play to try to reduce the positivity, what we have to do is

reduce the incidence,

" says Simón.

On returning to school, the epidemiologist has assured that "so far, the impact has been very limited."

9,419 confirmed cases since yesterday

The report updated and released this Thursday by the Ministry of Health reveals

9,419 new confirmed cases

, a figure that does not differ greatly from those provided in recent weeks, although without exceeding the 10,000 barrier.

After Health notified

11,016 positives

on Wednesday

, today's count returns to the level of the data published on Tuesday, when 9,906 infections were registered.

These 9,419 infected people include both those who underwent the diagnostic test in previous days, but whose result was reported between yesterday and today, as well as the PCRs done in the last 24 hours.

On these, the

official count communicates 3,897

, the majority continues to be concentrated in Madrid (1,586), the Basque Country (409) and Aragon (314).

The death rate continues to hover around 200 a day.

Health has today counted 182 new deaths, so the global number of people who have lost their lives since the start of the pandemic

in our country reaches 31,973


It should be remembered that it is a data in which the Government must still include deaths in residences and those who did not get a PCR test despite

presenting symptoms compatible

with the virus.

With a death date in the last week, it once again exceeded half a thousand and 547 deaths were registered.

As in contagions,

Madrid continues to lead

in the number of deaths in the last seven days and

reports 176

, a number that doubles that published in Andalusia, which totals 77. Castilla y León reveals 62 deaths;

Castilla La Mancha, 43;

Aragon, 40;

the Basque Country, 32;

Galicia, 22;

Valencia, 18;

Extremadura, 17;

Canarias, 13;

Navarra, 12;

and La Rioja, 11. For its part, Catalonia announces eight deaths during this time;

Asturias and the Balearic Islands, seven;

and Cantabria and Murcia, one.

Ceuta and Melilla are the only ones that have not accumulated any deaths.


Regarding hospitalizations, 2,372 infected patients have required admission in the last week (on Wednesday, 2,264).

The communities that

have accumulated the most hospitalized

in this period of time are Andalusia (448), Madrid (346) and Castilla y León (318).

However, the ranking is different if we look at the total number of people currently admitted, which are 10,867, 12 more than yesterday.

In this case, Madrid is, by far, the region with the most patients infected by the virus, with more than a third of the total registering 3,622 patients.

Behind are Catalonia and Andalusia, which score 1,632 and 1,169, respectively.

Of the 2,372 hospitalized patients, 187 have been transferred to the ICU in the last week.

In addition, Health has added 88 more to the global figure, which therefore rises to 13,694 patients who have required this hospital unit since the arrival of the covid.

Regarding the healthcare capacity of hospitals, the average number of

beds occupied by patients with coronavirus

in Spain, not including other pathologies, is 9.24%.

Intensive care beds present a higher percentage: 18.13%.

The regions of greatest concern in this regard are Madrid, whose occupation in this hospital unit is 42%.

La Rioja is close, with 32% and, in third place, Aragon, with more than 31%.

Andalusia, for its part, despite being one of the communities with the highest level of infections and deaths, has a hospital occupancy rate below the average when reporting 12%.

Spain, second country in Europe in contagions

At the European level,

Spain surpasses France

in the total number of deaths and becomes the third country in Europe with the most deaths since this crisis began.

Specifically, our country registers 31,973 deaths compared to 31,956 in the Gallic country.

Only the United Kingdom surpasses Spain, which remains in first position with 42,143 deaths;

and Italy, with 35,894.


Spain continues to be the second country in Europe

with the most infections since the start of the pandemic (778,607), only behind Russia (1,176,286).

It is followed by France and the United Kingdom, with 563,535 and 453,264, respectively.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Coronavirus

  • Covid 19

  • Infectious diseases

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