Teller Report

Give us your tips to keep morale high in these troubled times

10/1/2020, 5:59:58 PM

Times are tough, but you have unsuspected resources to keep smilingAll means are good to keep morale up - Pixabay The rebound of the coronavirus epidemic, the new restrictions announced by the government, the diminishing social life, the bad weather, the tense economic outlook for France ... Reasons to be depressed, there are plenty at the moment . But it is out of the question for you to let yourself go and have a crush on your couch. A daily yoga session, a de

All means are good to keep morale up -


The rebound of the coronavirus epidemic, the new restrictions announced by the government, the diminishing social life, the bad weather, the tense economic outlook for France ... Reasons to be depressed, there are plenty at the moment .

But it is out of the question for you to let yourself go and have a crush on your couch.

A daily yoga session, a desire to help others that gives you wings, crazy walks with your dog in the park, exhilarating film sessions, your teenage hits listened to on repeat, readings that help to see more far, a personal project that allows you to project yourself… Each of you has its own solution to keep morale up.

Tell us what makes you feel good.

  • Moral

  • Covid 19

  • Crisis

  • Society

  • Coronavirus