Teller Report

German industrial robots grew by 3% last year, stably ranking among the EU's most automated economies

10/1/2020, 4:03:04 PM

  Chinanews, Berlin, October 1 (Reporter Peng Dawei) The latest report released by the International Federation of Robotics shows that the number of industrial robots in Germany in 2019 was 221,500, an increase of 3% year-on-year, stabilizing the EU's most automated economy. This means that the industrial robots used in German factories are approximately three times that of Italy (74,400), five ti

  Chinanews, Berlin, October 1 (Reporter Peng Dawei) The latest report released by the International Federation of Robotics shows that the number of industrial robots in Germany in 2019 was 221,500, an increase of 3% year-on-year, stabilizing the EU's most automated economy.

This means that the industrial robots used in German factories are approximately three times that of Italy (74,400), five times that of France (42,000), and ten times that of the United Kingdom (21700).

  The above data is given in the "2020 World Robot Report" published by the International Federation of Robotics (IFR), headquartered in Frankfurt, Germany.

  Among them, Germany's share of the number of robots in Europe is 38%, ranking fifth in the world after China, Japan, South Korea and the United States.

The ranking of robot sales in various countries in 2019 is the same as the above ranking.

The annual sales volume of robots in Germany has remained at about 20,000 units for many years.

This goal was achieved again in 2019, with 20,400 robots sold.

  "Germany is the center of European robots. No other European country has such a high density of robots for every 10,000 employees. The most important application industries have these production equipment. This makes Germany very attractive to robot manufacturers. A strong investment place.” Claudia Gruene, a robot expert at the German Federal Foreign Trade and Investment Agency, told reporters.

  According to the analysis of the German Federal Foreign Trade and Investment Agency, the global new crown epidemic will have a significant impact on business development in 2020, but with the modernization and digitalization of production, it also provides opportunities for recovery.

In the long run, the advantages of robotics and automation remain unchanged: accelerated production and the ability to deliver customer-specific products at competitive prices are the main driving forces.
