Teller Report

Egypt ... a wedding turns into hysteria and a terrifying night after "tamarind juice"

10/1/2020, 5:05:41 PM

Last Friday witnessed a terrifying night that the people of Ezbet spent in the Dakahlia Governorate, where the attendees were in a hysterical state and everyone beat each other. According to the Egyptian newspaper "Al-Watan" and the British Broadcasting Corporation "BBC", the estate lived a terrifying night after a famous lady attended Good old

Egypt ... a wedding turns into hysteria and a terrifying night after "tamarind juice"

A picture circulating on media sites and media about the wedding.

Last Friday, we witnessed a terrifying night spent by the people of Ezbet in the Dakahlia governorate, where the attendees were hysterical and everyone beat each other.

According to the Egyptian newspaper "Al-Watan" and the British Broadcasting Corporation "BBC", the homestead lived a terrifying night after a famous woman came to the estate with acts of charlatanry and witchcraft, whose nickname is "Zaza", who took 50 pounds and gave it to the mother of the groom a "point", and as soon as she took it From her, she fell to the ground unconscious.

The people of Al-Farah were surprised by the distribution of "tamarind juice" with joy, which is unusual on such occasions in the homestead, and they thought it was a new fashion, so they drank from it, and only minutes passed until the joy turned into hysterical cases between the hardships, between pulling hair and exchanging beatings, despite They are relatives and there is no dispute between them.

Fingers of accusation in the homestead went towards "Zaza", about which quackery was known and seeking the help of charlatans, and the people of the estate searched for a solution to the witchcraft that they were exposed to, so they brought one of the sheikhs, who was able to control the hysterical cases of the people. They were on it, so they brought two other sheikhs.

On the fourth day, the house car entered and headed to Zaza’s house, and the people of the farm knew that it belonged to a charlatan, so a number of them gathered and set the car on fire.

The groom was surprised that the police knocked on his door to ask him about what happened with joy, and the prosecutor summoned him and his bride to ask them about what happened, after the arrest of 8 of the residents of the estate after the owners of the two cars charged them with burning them.

The Civil Protection Forces managed to extinguish the two cars, while the investigation officers dispersed the citizens, and it became clear that two cars had broken out after the people of the estate gathered to their anger at the homeowner and his wife, accusing them of engaging in charlatanry and sorcery.

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