Teller Report

Coronavirus: Sanofi "will be able to deliver the first doses of vaccine in the summer"

10/1/2020, 6:09:28 PM

The race for the coronavirus vaccine continues. Guest from Europe 1 on Thursday, the president of Sanofi France & nbsp; Olivier Bogillot detailed the schedule that his company has set for delivering the first doses. According to him, the first vaccines could be available as early as summer 2021.

The race for the coronavirus vaccine continues.

Guest from Europe 1 Thursday, the president of Sanofi France Olivier Bogillot detailed at length the schedule that his company has set for delivering the first doses.

According to him, the first vaccines could be available as early as summer 2021.


When will you get a coronavirus vaccine?

All the laboratories in the world are seeking to obtain the precious sesame, the only solution to overcome this pandemic and find a semblance of normal life.

Detailing the progress of the tests, the president of Sanofi France, Olivier Bogillot, assured that the vaccine of his company could be available in less than a year: "We will be able to deliver the first doses of vaccine from the summer ", he declared at the microphone of Europe 1.

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