Teller Report

Comedian Florent Peyre reveals the astonishing ritual he performs before his show

10/1/2020, 6:38:58 PM

The comedian Florent Peyre starts this Thursday the performances & nbsp; at the Treviso theater of his new show & quot; Nature & quot ;. Before entering the scene, he will reproduce as always his astonishing ritual, which he explains to the microphone of Anne Roumanoff in the program `` It feels good '' on Europe 1. & nbsp;

Comedian Florent Peyre starts this Thursday the performances at the Treviso theater of his new show "Nature".

Before entering the scene, he will repeat as always his astonishing ritual, which he explains to the microphone of Anne Roumanoff in the program "It feels good" on Europe 1. 


It is said that all artists have theirs, often performed in the secrecy of the lodge or behind the scenes.

The humorist Florent Peyre tells in the program of Anne Roumanoff




 his ritual before going on stage.

A moment that reassures him that he should reproduce this Thursday evening, date of the premiere at the Trévise theater (in Paris) of his new show 


A humorous musical on the theme of ecology in which he embodies all the characters, whose music is by Pascal Obispo, and which will be on tour throughout France.

>> Find all of Anne Roumanoff's shows in replay and podcast here

"Three little perfume kisses"

An hour of preparation.

This is the time it takes for comedian Florent Peyre to get on stage in good mental condition.

“I eat, I take my nap, my 20 minutes of yoga and stretching, then my vocalizations,” he lists.

"I need this."

A classic program after all.

But Florent Peyre adds more incongruous elements.

"I always put my three little perfume sprays on the neck, a perfume that only my mom can buy for me," he says without revealing the name of the fragrance.

"It's like three little kisses on the neck. And, then, I touch a lucky stone."


 Who is Florent Peyre for you?

"I think he is short, a little hairy and his hair back with a little baldness"

A habit inherited from his athletic past 

Despite his nonchalant appearances, Florent Peyre therefore imposes a rather rigorous ritual.

To understand why, you have to look in your past as a great athlete.

Before embarking on humor, he was in fact a student in the water skiing section of sport-études, in Saint-Raphaël.

"These are things that I actually inherited from sport," he confirms.

This ritual is like a kind of routine that we put in place before the test. "

Because Florent Peyre sees his shows as sporting events.

"My shows are always very physical and the characters I play move a lot," he recalls.

"So I like to feel my body awake when I step on the scene."

But the forty-something admits it, "it's also superstition".