Teller Report

Clowns and mummers protesting to counter cultural decline

10/1/2020, 10:07:41 PM

Dozens of clowns, mummers and others demonstrated in London in all colors of wigs, costumes and hats, to warn of the deterioration of the cultural sector due to its great impact on the "Covid-19" pandemic. Theaters and cultural institutions in general were forced to stop working during the quarantine period.

The British government has allocated 1.57 billion pounds to support the sector

Clowns and mummers protesting to counter cultural decline

  • Theaters and cultural institutions in general were forced to stop operating during the quarantine period.


  • The protesters came out in their costumes, colors of wigs, costumes and hats.



Dozens of clowns, mummers and others demonstrated in London in all colors of wigs, costumes and hats, to warn of the deterioration of the cultural sector, due to its great impact on the "Covid-19" pandemic.

Theaters and cultural institutions in general were forced to stop working during the quarantine period, and have suffered financially due to the pandemic that led to the death of 42,000 people in Britain, making it the country with the largest number of deaths from the emerging Corona virus in Europe.

Some of these theaters and institutions reopened their doors, but many of them refrained from doing so due to the continued application of preventive measures, which greatly reduces the audience's turnout for performances.

Among the most prominent demands of the demonstrators is to set a timetable to allow the resumption of performances with the presence of an entire audience.

The Secretary-General of the Equity Syndicate, Paul Fleming, predicted that "theaters would lose 40% of their annual revenues if the famous mummering shows could not be held during the Christmas period." .

The British government announced, in early July, that it would allocate a fund of 1.57 billion pounds (1.96 billion dollars) to support the cultural sector, but this step was considered insufficient despite its importance, and this is what led to the establishment of private initiatives.

Vivien Duffield announced that her charitable foundation will allocate a sum of money to support museums, theaters and other cultural sites. She explained that the foundation will provide two and a half million pounds (2.75 million euros) to large London institutions, including the Tate Modern museum and the British Museum, and others. In other areas.

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