Teller Report

180 commercial establishments in Dubai were violated during September

10/1/2020, 7:44:59 PM

The Dubai Economy stated that it violated 180 commercial establishments operating in various sectors last September, due to their failure to comply with the precautionary measures and measures to limit the spread of the "Covid-19" pandemic, most notably not wearing masks and not putting up social distancing posters.

Because of lack of commitment to precautionary measures to reduce "Covid-19"

180 commercial establishments in Dubai were violated during September

Dubai Economy confirmed that it is in constant contact with various partners in the public and private sectors.

Photography: Ahmed Arditi

Last September, Dubai Economy stated that it violated 180 commercial establishments operating in various sectors due to their failure to comply with the precautionary measures and measures to limit the spread of the "Covid-19" pandemic, most notably not wearing masks, and not placing social distancing posters.

The department revealed, in data obtained by Emirates Today, a copy of it, that it also alerted 118 establishments, while it closed eight other establishments in several sectors, noting that this came during the implementation of field inspection teams of the Commercial Supervision and Consumer Protection Sector, a series of visits and monitoring tours. Intensive, it included many open markets and commercial centers, to ensure that commercial establishments adhere to precautionary measures.

The Dubai Economy stated that the last of those violations and warnings was the day before yesterday, as 17 establishments were violated, while 15 others were alerted.

She explained that the recent violations were distributed among establishments in: the retail sector, general trade, customer follow-up service, textile and fabric trade, perfume trade, pharmacy, grocery, shipping sector, and computer equipment trade, in a number of locations that included shopping centers and the crowd. And the head area, indicating that the violations committed were the failure of its workers to wear masks.

She indicated that the alert of the 15 establishments came due to the lack of physical distancing posters, noting that the alerts aim to educate establishments about the necessity of commitment and its role in ensuring the continuity of their work and protecting their employees and customers alike.

Dubai Economy stated that the number of establishments that meet the conditions and precautionary measures reached 663.

Dubai Economy called on all segments of society to cooperate and contribute to the continuity of the economy's rotation in the emirate in a safe and natural way, stressing that it is in constant and continuous contact with various partners in the public and private sectors, to find out the most prominent developments, in addition to enhancing awareness of the guidelines and protocols in force during the period Current.

Intense efforts

Dubai Economy stressed that the competent authorities in the department will continue their intensive efforts in various parts of the emirate, and will not tolerate the violations and abuses that are monitored or reported by the public of consumers and dealers on the basis that preserving the health of society is a priority that cannot be neglected.


118 facilities were alerted and 8 others closed in several sectors.

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