Teller Report

Why is the Sisi regime facing the peaceful protesters by force?

9/29/2020, 10:35:51 PM

Political science professor at Cairo University, Seif El-Din Abdel Fattah, accused Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi of injustice and failure to assess the people's needs, and that the development plans that he claims to undertake are no longer for the Egyptian people of any benefit.

He added - in statements to the episode (9/29/2020) of the program "The Opposite Direction" - that Sisi spent about $ 431 billion during the years of his rule, most of which went on buying spy devices and systems on social media, and controlling the police, judiciary and media.

He added that poverty rates are witnessing a continuous increase in Egypt, stressing that these billions that Sisi spent did not benefit from Egyptian villages that suffer from the absence of sanitation, and that these sums have not built a single classroom that reduces the accumulation of students in schools and their bedding of land in order to receive education. .

Abdel Fattah emphasized that those who went out to the streets to demonstrate during the past few days are those affected by Sisi's arbitrary measures by forcing them to leave homes to demolish them under flimsy justifications, according to his description.

On the other hand;

The chief researcher at the Potomac Institute for Studies, Tawfiq Hamid, said that the talk about the authorities demolishing houses is incorrect, stressing that the state is only demolishing houses in violation of the state, which encroached on state lands.

He added that those who protested peacefully were not harmed, and those who said that they were harmed were the ones who blocked roads and disrupted people's lives, which prompted security forces to intervene to protect people's interests.

He emphasized that the projects undertaken by the state lead to the work of many unemployed people in establishing these projects, which would generate income for them, and these projects also work to develop the national economy, stressing that Sisi and his government have fought the accumulated corruption in Egypt for nearly 30 years, he said. .