Teller Report

The super long Golden Week curtain will collect this health guide before the trip!

9/29/2020, 4:29:52 PM

  Chinanews client, Beijing, September 30th (Reporter Zhang Ni) Tomorrow, the Mid-Autumn and National Day holidays will officially start! According to the forecast of the China Tourism Research Institute, the number of domestic tourists received during the 8-day holiday will reach 550 million. During the first long vacation ushered in the background of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, epidemic pr

  Chinanews client, Beijing, September 30th (Reporter Zhang Ni) Tomorrow, the Mid-Autumn and National Day holidays will officially start!

According to the forecast of the China Tourism Research Institute, the number of domestic tourists received during the 8-day holiday will reach 550 million.

During the first long vacation ushered in the background of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, epidemic prevention work is still the focus of attention.

  How are the preparations for epidemic prevention in transportation and tourist attractions?

What are the precautions for traveling?

Before you travel, let's take a look at this health guide!

Data map: Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day are approaching, and the number of passengers at Guangzhou Baiyun Airport is gradually increasing.

Photo courtesy of Guangzhou Baiyun Airport

Transportation passenger

——Key supervision of passenger terminals and transportation

  On this National Day, the people's willingness to travel is soaring, which has also put pressure on the transportation sector to prevent and control the epidemic.

In order to cope with the peak passenger flow, various localities have deployed in advance and weave a dense prevention and control network.

  On the 29th, at a press conference held by the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council, Li Huaqiang, deputy director of the Department of Transportation Services of the Ministry of Transport, stated that the Ministry of Transport has specifically arranged arrangements for the transportation guarantee during the "11th" holiday. Deployment, on the basis of ensuring unblocked traffic, ensuring transportation capacity, and ensuring safety, we will work tirelessly to normalize epidemic prevention and control.

  The above deployment includes urging railway, highway, waterway, civil aviation and urban passenger transport operators to disinfect and ventilate stations, ports, airports, highway service areas and transportation vehicles in accordance with the technical requirements of the relevant epidemic prevention and control guidelines, and carry out passengers. Work on temperature measurement and epidemic prevention propaganda.

  At the local level, Hainan Province recently issued the "Requirements for Prevention and Control Measures for the New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic During the "November" Holiday in 2020", which clarified that the airport, wharf and other three ports and one station in and out of Hainan must be carefully tested for temperature and health of people entering and leaving Hainan. Code inspection work.

  Hainan also requires that emergency areas be set up in the above-mentioned places, and passengers whose body temperature is higher than 37.3°C should be temporarily isolated in the emergency area and handled in accordance with relevant regulations for epidemic prevention and control.

  Shandong requires the whole province to strictly implement measures such as ventilation and disinfection of transportation vehicles, stations and service areas, and temperature measurement of personnel. The interior of vehicles and ships, facilities and equipment contacted by passengers, passenger and staff contact spaces, luggage compartments and other areas shall be implemented at least daily Completely kill once. The public areas such as waiting rooms, restaurants, shops, passenger vehicles, ships, etc. must be ventilated at least once every 4 hours. The wearing rate of passenger masks, body temperature measurement rate, station staff and crew mask wearing rate, and body temperature measurement rate must reach 4 hours. 100%.

Data Map: Scenery of Jiuzhaigou Scenic Area.

Photo by Yu Qingfeng Image source: CTPphoto

Tourist attractions

—— Make an appointment and scan the code to enter the park as standard

  According to the "Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Opening Management of Tourist Attractions During the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival in 2020" issued by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, tourist attractions will advance the autumn and winter in an orderly manner under the premise of effective prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic. The tourist attractions are open for management, and the number of tourists received does not exceed 75% of the maximum carrying capacity.

  Since then, various places have raised the upper limit of tourist reception in scenic spots.

  Beijing made it clear that the attendance rate for the city’s theaters and scenic spots should not exceed 75% of the seats and the maximum capacity. The maximum number of tourists in Shanghai's scenic spots will be increased from 50% to 75%.

  In Sichuan, on the 28th, the Jiuzhaigou Scenic Area issued an announcement to adjust the number of tourist receptions. The number of tourist receptions was adjusted from 17,000 to 23,000 per day.

  The number of tourists has increased, but the prevention and control measures cannot be relaxed.

  In accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, all localities should follow the principle of "making appointments and fulfilling appointments" to promote strict implementation of the time-sharing reservation system for 5A-level tourist attractions and key 4A-level tourist attractions across the country, and effectively improve the service management level of tourist attractions.

  In various places, real-name appointments, temperature measurement, and code scanning have become standard features in scenic spots.

  For example, the Jiuzhaigou Scenic Area requires tourists to prepare valid identification documents and health codes, and actively present relevant documents in accordance with relevant regulations on epidemic prevention and control.

In addition, tourists must wear masks throughout the journey and obey the detection points of the scenic spot for temperature detection.

For tourists who do not hold identity documents and do not wear masks as required, the scenic area will refuse to go through the formalities for admission in accordance with relevant regulations during the epidemic prevention and control period.

  Hainan requires that the tourist service center of the scenic spot should have 75% alcohol cotton balls or other disinfectants and other items for free for tourists to use, and strictly follow the technical regulations to manage and use safety precautions.

Data map: Dining scene in a hot pot restaurant in Zhengzhou Photographed by Wang Wei

Catering and Accommodation

-Carry out health inspections in multiple places to eliminate hidden dangers

  During the holidays, dining and accommodation are essential.

During the first National Day holiday under the epidemic, epidemic prevention and control in restaurants and hotels has also become the focus of protection.

  Beijing requires that early warning and monitoring of large passenger flows be strengthened, and preplans for evacuation and safety in crowded places should be well prepared.

Strictly implement the normalized epidemic prevention and control measures, and strengthen the cold chain food quarantine inspection.

Supermarkets and farmer's markets should scientifically plan the shopping flow line, ensure the rational distribution of goods, separate raw and cooked goods, ensure environmental sanitation, and create a safe and orderly shopping environment for the general public.

  Guangdong has previously carried out epidemic prevention and control sanitation supervision and inspections for accommodation hotels around tourist attractions, resort hotels, and city reception hotels.

  The Henan Provincial Market Supervision Administration recently issued the "Notice on Strengthening the Food Safety Supervision Work during the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival."

The "Notice" proposes that local market supervision departments should strengthen unannounced visits and unannounced inspections during the holiday season, especially on holiday gatherings, tourist consumption areas, campuses and surrounding catering service units.

Do not leave blind corners, do not go through the scene, early detection and elimination of hidden food safety hazards.

Photo by Xinshe reporter Zhang Yu

Anti-epidemic tips for National Day travel


  ●Daily home ventilation, maintain environmental sanitation, and disinfection reasonably. Keep away from open flames during disinfection with alcohol. Do not overspray liquid disinfectants on live equipment such as sockets, switches, electrical appliances, etc., to avoid short-circuits and fires.

  ●Pay attention to food hygiene and wash hands before meals and after going to the toilet.

Do not eat uncooked and cooked food, unpasteurized milk, unpeeled fruits, raw vegetables, and do not drink raw water.

Do not eat wild mushrooms and wild animals and plants.

Choose fresh and safe food materials, and pay attention to separate raw and cooked foods during processing to avoid food poisoning.

  ●Strengthen exercise and monitor the health of yourself and your family members. If you have suspicious symptoms such as fever, cough, vomiting, diarrhea, weakened sense of smell or loss or loss, wear a mask as soon as possible to protect yourself and go to the fever clinic. Avoid taking public transportation.

Data map courtesy of China Railway Kunming Bureau

Travel articles

  ●When taking public transportation such as buses, buses, subways, airplanes, etc., you must abide by the order and the requirements of the flight attendants, wear masks throughout the journey, keep your hands clean, and keep the receipts for inquiries.

When taking transportation, try to reduce the number of meals and conversations.

  ●Wear a mask when going out, and try not to go to crowded and mobile places.

Keep a distance of more than 1 meter from others in crowded places, and cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or elbow when you cough or sneeze.

Do hand hygiene at all times.

  ●When dining out, pay attention to choosing a restaurant or restaurant with formal and sanitary conditions.

Eat at different intervals and keep a distance of more than 1 meter from others.

Data map: A large number of tourists entered Nanjing Zhongshan Mausoleum to visit.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Yang Bo

Travel articles

  ●Try to avoid unnecessary cross-border travel.

  ●Be prepared for travel, and understand the travel destination prevention and control policies, travel reminders, ticket reservations and passenger flow restrictions in advance, so as to achieve "no travel without appointment", avoid the peak time of popular attractions and scenic spots, and travel off-peak , Avoid sticking and pushing; prepare protective equipment, common medicines and warm clothing.

  ●High-risk groups such as the elderly, patients with chronic diseases, pregnant women, and young children should try to avoid traveling during the holidays.

  ●Protect during travel, queue up in the scenic spot in an orderly manner, keep interpersonal distance appropriately, maintain good hygiene habits, pay attention to coughing and sneezing etiquette, and perform hand hygiene at all times.

When staying, choose a hotel with good sanitary conditions and open windows for ventilation after check-in.

  ●If symptoms such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, etc. occur during the trip, you should wear a mask and go to the nearest medical institution for fever clinics. Cancel or suspend the trip according to the diagnosis and treatment.

  ●If there is an epidemic situation or the prevention and control measures are upgraded during the travel, health monitoring and management should be carried out in accordance with relevant regulations after returning.

  ●After returning from travel, continue to do a good job of personal health monitoring and self-observation for 14 days. Once you feel unwell, seek medical advice in time and actively inform your doctor of your travel history.
