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French press review - Headlines: 10 p.m., we're closing!

9/29/2020, 7:30:39 AM

Headlines: 10 p.m., we're closing! Audio 04:55 In many cities, bars and restaurants will close earlier, like here in Paris (Photo illustration) REUTERS / Gonzalo Fuentes By: Frédéric Couteau Follow 10 mins Publicity “  10 pm, we're closing! »: This is the front page of Sud-Ouest . Among the new health restrictions due to Covid-19, the closure of bars at 10 p.m. was applied Monday evening, in

Headlines: 10 p.m., we're closing!

Audio 04:55

In many cities, bars and restaurants will close earlier, like here in Paris (Photo illustration) REUTERS / Gonzalo Fuentes

By: Frédéric Couteau Follow

10 mins



10 pm, we're closing! 

»: This is the front page of



Among the new health restrictions due to Covid-19, the closure of bars at 10 p.m. was applied Monday evening, in several cities in France, in particular in Bordeaux.

A measure far from unanimous.


relays the cry of despair launched by this cafeteria: “ 

Despite the financial investments at our expense and the heavy constraints, we have never ceased to be singled out.

Despite all our efforts, today we feel that we are setting an example.


It must be said that the financial impact is severe, as explained by this other bar owner, still in the columns of


 : “ 

Saturday we wanted to do a test by counting the cash at 10pm.

Result, barely a few hundred euros.

If we add the salaries to be paid, we are not sure we can hold out for long.

It is not profitable.


So, “in 

order not to sink, the Bordeaux bars have decided to bring out the heavy artillery


South-West point



happy hour

, opening earlier in the day, creation of coffee corners to attract customers from the start of the day. afternoon ...


An endless race?

In fact, comments

La Charente Libre

, “ 

the virus is tightening its round of fear.


Today, restaurateurs and event trades, whose sacrifice would prevent a second wave.

Social plans less spectacular than a closed factory but with the same laid-off lives.

Tomorrow, it may be culture that is already in bad shape, like tourism.


From the beginning, we have been chasing this virus without ever catching it,

sighs the Charente daily.

We run first after the masks then the tests, then the territorial measurements while watching the curves go up, down, up.


And we are still not able

, deplores

La Charente Libre, to set up a real testing strategy with results within 24 hours, to isolate the contaminated in time, and break the chains.

And because the hospital is not ready.

Impoverished before the virus, six months later it still lacks human resources, beds, a priority and sound strategy so as not to stumble.


Impatience and anger in Europe

More generally, " 

in Europe, the exasperation is growing in the face of anti-Covid-19 measures

 ", notes

Le Monde

for its part


Example, “ 

In the UK, the goodwill of the British is starting to falter.

The serial restrictions decided in recent days by Downing Street

(curfew at 10 p.m. for bars, pubs and restaurants, isolation of thousands of students on their campuses, ban on visits between families, etc.)

have given new impetus the momentum for anti-mask demonstrations.

These remain confined to London, but now gather thousands of demonstrators every Saturday in Trafalgar Square.


Another example pointed out by

Le Monde

 : “ 

In Spain, the latest measures taken by the Madrid region are also going very badly.

In the working-class neighborhoods in the south of the capital, where the incidence rate is the highest, residents can only go out to go to work, to school, to the doctor or for reasons of force majeure.


The president, Isabel Ayuso, of the (right-wing) People's Party, refuses to apply the government's recommendations in order, she says, not to damage a local economy on its knees.


The Trump-Biden shock

Also on the front page, the Trump-Biden debate next night in the United States.

Donald Trump under pressure

 ", headlines

Le Figaro


Indeed, “ 


New York Times

has chosen its timing carefully.

By revealing just before this first debate that Donald Trump had paid only $ 750 in income tax in 2016 and 2017, and none for ten years out of the last fifteen, the American daily offered a perfect angle attack for Joe Biden against his opponent.


It may not be the strategy of the Democratic candidate, believes the specialist of the United States, Marie-Cécile Naves, interviewed by



Joe Biden will undoubtedly evoke the revelations of the

New York Times

Tuesday evening


but will he dwell on this point?

It is not certain.

I am convinced that the strategy of anti-Trump rhetoric cannot be enough for Biden.

It is necessary,

continues Marie-Cécile Naves,

that it presents its program more, there are themes on which it has things to say

: the economy, the Supreme Court.

Joe Biden will surely try to stay on the bottom, attacking Trump

(in particular)

on the mismanagement of the coronavirus epidemic.

It is in his interest because on this subject, public opinion is predominantly against Trump



So this duel, can Joe Biden turn the tide?


Not really,


Le Parisien, many voters having already made their choice, or even voted by mail.

But a Trump slippage or a Biden blunder can play a role…



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