Teller Report

Debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden: in France, the news channels on the bridge

9/29/2020, 8:41:40 AM

The first debate between the two candidates for the White House, Donald Trump and Joe Biden, takes place Tuesday evening in the United States. For the occasion, BFMTV, LCI and the other 24-hour news channels will broadcast live, at 3 a.m., this important moment in the American presidential campaign.

The first debate between the two candidates for the White House, Donald Trump and Joe Biden, takes place Tuesday evening in the United States.

For the occasion, BFMTV, LCI and the other 24-hour news channels will broadcast live, at 3 a.m., this important moment in the American presidential campaign.

In the United States, and everywhere in the world for that matter, we are preparing for a memorable television moment, Tuesday evening: it is in

prime time

across the Atlantic, and in the dead of night in France, that Donald Trump and Joe Biden will face each other for the first US presidential debate.

Explosive confrontation

In France, night owls or early risers will have plenty of entertainment for the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, from 3 a.m.: all French news channels will broadcast the event live.

BFMTV, CNews, LCI, France 24 and franceinfo will offer simultaneous translation of this confrontation, which promises to be explosive.

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This weekend, Donald Trump declared that he would ask Joe Biden for an anti-doping test after the debate, to be sure that he did not use products to improve his performance.

In response, Biden's campaign was humorous: “Joe Biden has planned to give his answers to the debate in words. If the president thinks his best chance of winning is with urine, let him Don't hesitate. We expect no less from Donald Trump, who has 'let the piss' of the chance to protect the lives of 200,000 Americans by failing to develop a plan to fight COVID-19. "