Teller Report

Qingdao 5G+ domestically developed original surgical robot completes ultra-long-distance surgical

9/25/2020, 1:27:07 PM

  On September 24, Professor Niu Haitao, Deputy Dean of the Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University, led the surgical team to successfully cross the 3,000-kilometer barrier, using 5G+ domestic original research surgical robot remote technology to "separate" the 71-year-old in the operating room of Xixiu District People’s Hospital in Anshun, Guizhou. A male patient with bladder cancer was success

  On September 24, Professor Niu Haitao, Deputy Dean of the Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University, led the surgical team to successfully cross the 3,000-kilometer barrier, using 5G+ domestic original research surgical robot remote technology to "separate" the 71-year-old in the operating room of Xixiu District People’s Hospital in Anshun, Guizhou. A male patient with bladder cancer was successfully operated on.

  The operation lasted for about 3 hours. Professor Niu Haitao operated a new generation of domestically-made original surgical robot in the Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University-the "Miaoshou" main operator, and remotely controlled the "Miaoshou" in the operating room of Xixiu District People's Hospital in Anshun City through the 5G network. "From the operator.

  During the operation, the "Wonder" robot accurately reproduces the remote doctor's surgical actions, reaches the surgical site accurately, and completes the precise resection of the lesion.

At the same time, with the help of the 5G+ free viewpoint live broadcast system, the Xixiu operating room scene is holographically projected to the operation site of the Qing University Affiliated Hospital, enabling Professor Niu Haitao to interact with patients and surgical assistants in real time in an environment with almost zero delay.

  This remote surgery stunningly unveiled a number of technological innovations "made in China". This remote surgery is a signal transmission guarantee provided by China Unicom's 5G network intelligent medical perception interaction technology for remote surgery, which fully demonstrates the large bandwidth and high bandwidth of the 5G network. Advantages of flexibility, low latency, and massive connections.

(Xinpeng editor Gao Yuhui)

Editor in charge: [Liu Xian]