Teller Report

More than 60% of universities resume face-to-face classes and practical training Niigata

9/25/2020, 7:18:07 PM

[NHK] When we interviewed all universities and junior colleges in Niigata prefecture where classes have begun to resume, more than 60% relaxed the conditions for classes and practical training according to the late schedule ...

More than 60% of universities resume face-to-face classes and practical training Niigata September 26, 4:08

When we interviewed all universities and junior colleges in Niigata prefecture where classes have begun to resume, it was found that more than 60% relaxed the conditions for classes and practical training according to the latter semester schedule.

In order to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, many universities have canceled face-to-face lessons in the classroom in principle, and instead focused on online "distance lessons."

When NHK interviewed all 24 universities and junior colleges in Niigata prefecture, 62%, or 15 universities and junior colleges, relaxed the conditions for classes and practical training, such as resuming face-to-face classes and increasing the number of students who can attend. I found out that

Of these, at Niigata University of Health and Welfare in Niigata City, where the second semester began on the 25th, all the first semesters were distance classes, but students who visited the campus for the first time in about half a year after resuming face-to-face classes. However, I was delighted to see him again after a long time.

However, each university has taken measures such as limiting the number of people who can enter the classroom and recording information on the entrance and exit of the university, and some universities have distributed face shields to all students.

On the other hand, club activities continue to be restricted, and many universities cancel the autumn cultural festival, so it seems that it will take time for student life to return to "in front of Corona".