Teller Report

Is it necessary to run to lose weight and be in shape?

9/25/2020, 2:35:43 PM

It is the 'great hit' of the excuses used for not exercising ahead of even the "I don't have time." Converted decades ago in the sport of fashion, the 'haters' d

It is the 'great hit' of the

excuses used for not exercising

ahead of even the "I don't have time."

Converted for decades into the sport of fashion, the 'haters' of 'running' have turned the tables on this massive bombardment,

hoisting the flag of their hatred of running more eagerly than ever


A lawful cause that, however, is

not an argument to justify the lack of physical activity


"Excuses are the biggest workhorse that sports professionals encounter every day. Lack of time, money, work, family, fatigue ... That 'running' mania is a more but anyone who puts themselves in the hands of a qualified trainer will realize that

it is not necessary to run to be in shape

. And I even go further, since the ideal is to be in shape first to be able to start running later " , says Irene Lalana Muñoz, member of the Official College of PE Graduates and Physical Activity and Sports Sciences of the Community of Madrid (number: 59823).

No one better than a professional trainer to "find out about the

number of sports activities

or types of exercises that can be performed, according to different levels and objectives,

without the need to run


Why, for a few years now, has it

seemed that someone who does not run does not exercise


"Who does it look like? I'm 37 years old and I've been playing sports since I started walking. I've

run, swam, paddled, pedaled, danced, climbed, marched, skated, skied

... I guess it's very clear that all that

list Aerobic activities are as much a sport as running

, right? As well as the wide range of disciplines offered by sports centers, team sports, contact, racket, rhythmic sports, etc. ", says Lalana Muñoz.


Is it so bad that we don't like to run?

"Not at all! Unfortunately, we are very

influenced by the media and fashions.

In fact, since we were children, (although at present the range is opening, fortunately) we follow some

standards of sports activities that limit us

, to a certain extent way, when it comes to encouraging us to discover and practice other options that, in addition to having fun, would provide us with enormous health benefits ".

Curiously, on the opposite side of the 'running trolls' are those who, driven by the chimera of a quick, simple and cheap weight loss or by marketing (it must be said),

are launched to' burn slippers "without the advice of a professional


The question is:

in what situations should you not run?

"Basically, and following medical recommendations, if you suffer from any injury or illness that contraindicates it. Once the specialist gives white light, the most important thing is to put yourself in the hands of a

qualified professional

(graduated in Sciences of Physical Activity and Sports) to guide us, with a supervision of the technique and a progression in the training loads ".

Obviously, Lalana Muñoz clarifies, it is "just as advisable to have the support of professionals if, even if you do not have any ailment, you have never practiced or it has been a while without doing this or any sporting activity".

It is also worth remembering "the importance of carrying out a

periodic medical check-up

that includes tests that serve to check the physical condition at all times".

This coach warns that "starting up after a sedentary or not very active period is, in many cases, the

main reason for injuries

, since our


are not prepared for impact (with or without overweight); our


need adaptation ( flexibility, greater ranges of motion ...); what's more, the simple fact of

wearing inappropriate footwear

can be the source of discomfort ".

What are the

risks of running bad and unsupervised


"Muscle injuries, discomfort and joint pain are some of the most common sequelae of poor running technique. Furthermore, if we do not have proper planning carried out by a professional, in which loads are controlled (distance, intensity, recovery time ) and a correct progression we run the risk that our organism does not adapt to the activity, either due to excess (too high pulsations, muscular stress ...), which leads us back to discomfort and injuries; or by default ( boredom, laziness ...). In both cases, the most probable thing is that we decide to give up due to lack of motivation as we cannot achieve our objectives ".


What do we do, then, if we don't like to run or if, due to our personal circumstances, we can't?

What would be the most reasonable alternatives?

"Today there are many alternatives to the race, inside and outside the sports centers. During the quarantine period, without going any further, we have been able to verify

the amount of exercise that can be practiced without even leaving home and with hardly any material or equipment

, thanks to a large number of professionals (and not so professional, unfortunately; I take the opportunity to encourage people to always inform themselves in advance of the qualification of the virtual trainers that you decide to follow) who have offered their advisory services online, proposing online and live classes, tutorials, progressions to improve technique, etc. "

In any case, he clarifies, "

the most appropriate options always depend on the objectives to be achieved


Some people only run for the

pleasure of running,

"because they need or want to disconnect their mind and, the simple fact of performing an aerobic exercise without major technical or coordinative complications, is pleasant and sufficient for them."

Normally, these 'runners' "don't have trouble running and don't set big medium or long-term goals."

If they have to

stop doing it for health reasons

, "other types of aerobic activities are usually recommended, such as cycling, swimming, rowing, skating, cross-country skiing or Nordic walking (activity, by the way, increasingly on the rise for its multiple health benefits, highly effective, without impact on the joints, easy and suitable for all audiences on any type of terrain) ".

Furthermore, Irene Lalana Muñoz reminds us of the importance of "combining any

aerobic activity

with at least one weekly



for muscle adaptation-compensation,

physical preparation, etc. to feel better, avoid injuries and get the most out of our performance".

If we run with the aim of

losing weight or staying active and in shape

, in addition to performing those routines mentioned, the effectiveness of carrying out sessions in which aerobic exercises are alternated with other strength exercises is more than demonstrated ".

In this sense, he emphasizes that "there is still a broad group that, when speaking of strength, thinks of lifting huge weights. However, this concept is long gone".

Disciplines such as 'crossfit', 'crosstraining' or functional training are ideal because "they mix exercises to

improve physical capacities

(endurance, coordination, agility, strength, flexibility and speed); that is, they help us achieve our goals. objectives achieving

a more functional body

which, in the long run, is what we will achieve greater well-being on a day-to-day basis. "

Finally, if what motivates us is competition and we cannot continue running at the level we used to, depending on the age and the rod to which we have subjected our body, "you can always

readjust the objectives, compete in other modalities, disciplines or categories

, discovering minority and healthy sports (such as rowing or Nordic walking, mentioned above). In any case, and here I would like to share my personal experience ... competition is also out of the question! ".

And of 'running', too and there is a lot of life beyond!

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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