Teller Report

Benoit Paire tested positive for covid-19 - still got to play ATP tournament

9/23/2020, 3:02:02 PM

Benoit Paire was forced to withdraw from the US Open after being tested positive for covid-19. Now he is in Germany and has played the Hamburg Open - despite being tested positive again when he came to Germany. - Here in Germany you can test positive and still get to play, he says.

Different countries handle the coronavirus in different ways.

It has become clear during the year, and French Benoit Paire has experienced that.

"I do not stand for it!"

He was forced to withdraw from the US Open after testing positive for covid-19.

When he recently arrived in Germany to play the Hamburg Open, he tested positive again, but then the message was different.

- When I came here and got back my positive test result, then I felt “that I can no longer handle this.

I do not stand for it! ”.

Then I found out that in Germany you are tested positive and then have gone through your quarantine period, then you do not test the players anymore because you do not infect if you get it again, he says, according to the news agency Reuters, and continues:

- So I thanked the doctors and organizers for letting me play.

In Paris (where the French Open is played) some players are not allowed to play even though they have been tested negative because their coach has been tested positive.

Here in Germany you can test positive and still get to play.

However, Paire is afraid that he will not be allowed to play in the French Open.

According to him, a doctor has said that there is a 50 percent risk that he will test positive when he arrives in Paris.