Teller Report

How does Sudan accept to normalize with Israel in response to Abu Dhabi?

9/20/2020, 7:26:05 PM

An episode (11/2/2020) of the program "The Reverse Direction" discussed The head of the Sudanese Sovereignty Council met with the Israeli Prime Minister in an Emirati arrangement, and she wondered: How does the Sudanese leadership accept normalization with Israel based on the advice of Abu Dhabi?

The political secretary of the Nasserite Party in Sudan, Sati 'al-Hajj, said that Sudan is a respectable country that has its weight and cannot be subordinate to the Emirates, and that the time for subordination has passed once the new government emerging from the revolution arrives, stressing that this government has a new policy in foreign relations based on the interest of Sudan first.

In statements to the episode (11/2/2020) of the "The Opposite Direction" program, he stressed that the Sudanese reject normalization with Israel because it is a state based on the exclusion of the other, and that those who seek comfort in normalization are delusional, because Israel will not allow the establishment of any democratic state. Indeed, it seeks to militarize any regime in East Africa.

Al-Hajj believes that the military council, which is part of the Sudanese sovereign council, has missed Israel’s quest to militarize the regime, through a meeting with the head of the Sovereignty Council, Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

He warned that attempts to force the Sudanese people to normalize relations with Israel in order to lift the sanctions will not help, stressing that Israel has ambitions in Sudan by searching for a security depth in the Red Sea and transporting the waters of the Nile to Israel, and "This is a project that it has been working on for a long time, so It wants to have a foothold in Sudan. "

Al-Hajj mentioned that Israel sought to separate Sudan, and after the secession of southern Sudan, Israel did not give him anything, and this is a recent experience that a lesson should be taken from it, just as Mauritania and Eritrea were normalized with Israel and they did not gain anything from it.

He added, "Israel since its inception used to support dictatorships, and those who normalize with it now are the regimes who do not represent their people, but rather themselves and their families."

Normalization is the solution.

On the other hand, writer and journalist Thaer Al-Nashif said that the Burhan meeting with Netanyahu is not normalization, but rather a return to relations between the two countries, and "the theory that Israel undermines democracy in the region is incorrect, because corruption, dictatorship and tyranny in the Arab region came from the Arab peoples who brought these people." Rulers, and Israel is not the one who brought them to rule, "he said.

Regarding the Sudanese-Israeli meeting, Al-Nashif stressed that it will contribute to changing the region completely, and it is not in Israel's interest to undermine any Arab democracy or stop the development of any country, because the rise of countries around it means the cessation of wars, and the Israeli people's involvement in the Arab peoples, which means the loss of its entity and victory for the Arabs. And he wondered what the non-printing countries have benefited with Israel, especially the so-called countries of resistance.

He continued his speech that the opportunity is ripe for Sudan to be a soft power in Central Africa through normalization with Israel, especially as it suffers economically and on several levels.